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Last Update

Jun 22, 2018

For the Lendsbay platform to be created, numerous conditions had to be in place, the most important of which is the emergence of an alternative to global financial markets. We are referring to the rapid pace of technological progress, thanks to which everyone now has a device that enables them to carry out any financial operations they want whenever they want; the appearance of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and smart contracts, which significantly increased the security of interactions without intermediaries.
The Lendsbay application was designed for interaction between users. One of the main purposes of the application is to streamline and secure the informal financial market, as well as to simplify the procedure for finding partners and completing transactions.
Jun 18, 2018
Jul 29, 2018
100% completed
$133 000
26% goal completed
Goal 500 000.00 USD
Cap 1 500 000.00 USD
  • 1 LBT
    0.37 USD
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details
Platform, Cryptocurrency

About LendsBay

We are constantly borrowing money from our friends or lending money to them. While some people might do this once every few years, others are doing it every month or even every week.

That said, while the essence of debt relations may be more or less clear, there are no commonly accepted social norms or rules of behaviour in informal credit markets between individuals, which can result in any number of problems and unpleasant situations. Nearly everyone knows someone who likes to say "I don't lend money to friends" or someone other people say you shouldn't lend money to; we sometimes help someone out with a loan only to find out later that they have already borrowed from most of their friends. And when it comes time for a loan to be paid back, we can also sometimes encounter problems that should never happen, e.g., when, on the day the money is due, the borrower simply disappears or ignores our calls. And, worst of all, no one has eliminated the risk of loss or fraud.

When we lack information about the borrower or have had unpleasant experiences in the past, this can increase the time needed to decide whether it is worth lending money at all, and it can also rid us of the desire to help even our friends.

At the same time, while there are already various applications in other spheres of our lives that simplify day-to-day activities and reduce the risks that might arise—from buying a used sofa to ordering a taxi— there is not a comprehensive solution to one very important aspect of our lives: financial relations between individuals.

That is why we came up with the idea of developing the Lendsbay application, which is a lending ecosystem where people can give each other loans, the history of which is stored in a blockchain, and the risk that they will not be repaid is assessed through social and bank scoring.

Our solution makes it possible to borrow money very quickly and easily—concluding an agreement in accordance with the laws of a particular country if necessary—to look for investors or borrowers from your own social circles or just to keep track of your debts, while also making it possible to have your accumulated positive credit history in Lendsbay taken into account when obtaining future loans: in case you move to another country or apply for a bank loan.


LendsBay team have already developed a functional and ready-to-use alpha version of the application.
The project has a unique team with great experience in banking in such areas as: risk management, corporate finance, it, marketing, derivatives, investment business.

Technical Info

LBT tokens will be released on the Ethereum platform and will fully comply with the ERC20 standard, which guarantees the compatibility of the token with third-party services and also ensures ease of integration.

LBT tokens are not limited to use on the ecosystem platform. After the platform is launched, LBTs token will be available for purchase/sale on cryptocurrency exchanges.


  • As utility tokens
  • As a reward for the successful repayment of a loan through the app
  • As a risk insurance tool for investors: in case of default, part of the amount is repaid in tokens that can be sold on the exchange
  • As payment for a PRO subscription, which includes advanced features in the app
  • As payment for services: guarantees on the part of borrowers, legal support, debt collection services
  • For the global credit rating function on the blockchain (fuel) and subsequently for the whole ecosystem
  • For recording the actions of borrowers in the system
  • For third-party access to records/history with the consent of the borrower
  • For recording credit history from third-party lenders (IFIs/banks)

A total of LBT 100 million will be available, where 1 LBt = mLBt 1 million.

LendsBay Roadmap

  • 2016-2017

  • Createding a web prototype
    Market research
    UX testing
    Builtding a financial model
    Developed the server and user part of the application
  • JUNE 2018

  • Conducting a pre-ICO
  • JULY 2018

  • Release of the beta version of the app for Android/iOS
    Developing the legal component (loan agreements, lawsuits, debt collectors)
    Establishing ratings and pricing mechanisms
  • SEPTEMBER 2018

  • Carrying out an ICO
    Сonnecting to the app
    Adaptation for Telegram
    Connecting to a credit bureau
    Connecting to telecoms/online credit history providers
    Entry into the UK and US markets
  • Read More
  • MARCH 2019

  • Creating social groups: Co-workers/University
    Linking to a payment system
    Implementing the social ratings system (proximity rating)
    Implementing the behavioural ratings system
    Creating an API
    Entering developing markets
  • SEPTEMBER 2019

  • Implementing the blockchain ratings system (LBR): distributed accounting and storage of ratings data
    Constructing a ratings model based on multiplicity of data
    Providing the suppliers of goods and services with secure access to the ratings system data to create their own ratings
    Granting financial organisations secure access to ratings data
  • FEBRUARY 2020

  • Creating a universal rating for economic relations (LBU)
    Creating various ecosystem elements
    Building a consolidated ecosystem of transparent relationships

LendsBay Team

Verified 88%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Alexander Koptelov
Founder, CEO
Anton Gazizov
Founder, CFO/IR
Andrey Cheremkhin
Founder, COO
Lyudmila Lukashova
Founder, Risk
Vladimir Gorbunov
Head of IT
Daria Batamirova
Marketing strategy
Kristina Shilova
Angelica Phillips
UK Market


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Evgeny Kaplin
Alexey Khaliullin
Andrey Lukashevich
Murat Yenikeyev
Risk adviser

LendsBay Interviews

Alexander Koptelov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am a Lendbsay CEO. We are really passionate about our project. We clearly understand the problem in non formal banking, we have deep understanding of banking and risk and have found the great decision. Let’s be a part of Lendsbay!
Anton Gazizov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the project's CFO. Everyone in our life at some point borrowed from or lent to friends. We would like to make the process easier as well as more transparent. We also want people to be able to take their credit history with friends or with banks anywhere in the world as they trot the globe.
Andrey Cheremkhin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Coo, it's great idea.
Lyudmila Lukashova
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The idea is great. I believe that our project will be very popular. My role is to build an effective risk strategy based on the most progressive scoring models.
Vladimir Gorbunov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
In this project I am responsible for the IT. I really like the idea, it's really an important and relevant project
Daria Batamirova
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
LendsBay gives us a big oppertunity to change our future
Kristina Shilova
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I think this is a unique and very important project for society. I'm very happy to be on this team!

LendsBay Last News

5.0 4
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team
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