Kamino Finance

Kamino Finance

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Kamino Finance is a one-stop DeFi protocol for liquidity providers, traders, and stakers, as it combines lending, liquidity pools, and leverage trading in a single platform.
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About Kamino Finance

What is Kamino Finance?

Kamino Finance was originally created to offer users the easiest possible way of providing liquidity and earning yield on-chain.

The protocol's one-click, auto-compounding concentrated liquidity strategies quickly became the most popular LP products on Solana, and laid the foundation for what Kamino is now.

Today, Kamino is a first-of-its-kind DeFi protocol that unifies Lending, Liquidity, and Leverage into a single, secure DeFi product suite. On Kamino, users can:


    Borrow and lend their assets


    Provide leveraged liquidity to concentrated liquidity DEXs


    Build their own automated liquidity strategies


    Use concentrated liquidity positions as collateral

Kamino's product suite is packaged into an industry-leading UX that offers transparent analytics, detailed performance data, and extensive position info.

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