

Created using Figma
Platform connecting energy suppliers, corporate buyers and energy producers for easy, direct green energy transactions.
  • Market
    Volume 24H
    24H (price)
    24H (volume)
  • BitBNS
    WPR/INR 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0015
    $ 225.09
  • Huobi Korea
    WPR/BTC 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0093
    $ 147.64
  • HTX
    WPR/BTC 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0084
    $ 13.981 K
  • ForkDelta
    WPR/ETH 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0036
    $ 229.55
  • Lykke
    WPR/BTC 3 one year ago
    $ 1.91
    $ 133.65
  • Lykke
    WPR/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 3.525E-5
    $ 0.0014
  • Sistemkoin
    WPR/BTC 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0407
    $ 532.48
  • Bitfinex
    WPR/USD 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0407
    $ 252.35
  • Binance
    WPR/BTC 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0139
    $ 293.839 K
  • Bitrue
    WPR/XRP 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0062
    $ 12.79 K
  • Sistemkoin
    WPR/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0084
    $ 23.343 K
  • Idex
    WPR/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0017
    $ 20.09
  • Huobi Korea
    WPR/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0081
    $ 123.74
  • HTX
    WPR/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0081
    $ 1.866 K
  • Uniswap (v3)
    WPR/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0070
    $ 2.60
  • Bilaxy
    WPR/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0058
    $ 167.185 K
  • Sistemkoin
    WPR/TRY 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0054
    $ 6.076 K
  • Binance
    WPR/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0055
    $ 2.54 K
  • Bitfinex
    WPR/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0059
    $ 7.486 K
  • Bitfinex
    WPR/BTC 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0047
    $ 483.32
  • Ethfinex
    WPR/USD 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0076
    $ 14.41
  • Ethfinex
    WPR/BTC 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0075
    $ 3.61
  • Ethfinex
    WPR/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0098
    $ 377.50
  • DDEX
    WPR/WETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0083
    $ 2.08
  • Huobi Korea
    WPR/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0130
    $ 85.79
  • Huobi Korea
    WPR/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0130
    $ 5.71
  • Sistemkoin
    WPR/TRY 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0099
    $ 212.99
  • YoBit
    WPR/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0095
    $ 6.82
  • YoBit
    WPR/USD 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0150
    $ 4.38
  • Sistemkoin
    WPR/TL 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0075
    $ 5.074 K
  • HitBTC
    WPR/MOBI 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0332
    $ 482.76
  • HitBTC
    WPR/ROK 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0428
    $ 434.56
  • ChainEX
    WPR/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0117
    $ 179.80
  • Liqui
    WPR/USDT 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0122
  • Liqui
    WPR/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0123
  • Liqui
    WPR/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0122
  • YoBit
    WPR/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0078
    $ 7.26
  • KuCoin
    WPR/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0151
    $ 310.03
  • KuCoin
    WPR/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0146
    $ 8.50
  • Everbloom
    WPR/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0145
  • DDEX
  • YoBit
  • YoBit
  • YoBit
To be announced
Aug 24, 2017
Sep 1, 2017
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details
Platform, Energy

About WePower

WePower is a blockchain-based green energy financing and trading platform. It helps renewable energy producers to raise capital by issuing their own energy tokens. WePower connects energy buyers (end users and investors) directly with the green energy producers and creates an opportunity to purchase energy upfront at below market rates. WePower has developed Ethereum Smart Energy contract tokens to standardize, simplify and globally open currently existing energy investment ecosystem. Energy tokenization ensures liquidity and extends access to capital. WePower wants to help build an infrastructure to bridge renewable energy producers output and traditional energy grid operators thus helping the world transition to a 100% renewable energy future.


Technical Info


WePower Roadmap

  • WePower concept is born

  • Concept to leverage blockchain for green energy trading and renewable energy projects financing.
  • January 2017

  • WePower idea
  • WePower Idea

  • Idea to leverage blockchain for green energy trading and renewable energy projects financing.
  • 1000 MW project pipeline secured

  • Secured clients with more than 1000 MW capacity solar projects.
  • Read More
  • July 2017

  • Secured client with 1000 MW solar project
  • Secured client with 1000 MW solar project

  • Secured client with 1000 MW solar project
  • MVP launched

  • WePower minimal viable project launched.
  • August 2017

  • WePower MVP
  • WePower MVP

  • Deal for grid integration tests signed

  • Deal for grid integration tests signed. 14 energy engineers join the project.
  • October 2017

  • Token sale
  • Token public pre-sale

  • Successful pre-sale campaign with 3 mln USD secured.
  • October 2017

  • Token public pre-sale
  • $3M raised in an open pre-sale

  • Successful pre-sale campaign with 3 mln USD secured.
  • Pilot testing with Elering

  • During the first of this kind test WePower will run nationwide energy tokenisation test with Estonia's TSO Elering
  • January 2018

  • Pilot testing with Elering
  • Accepted to StartupBootcamp

  • WePower is accepted to StartupBootcamp Australia Energy program. This is the first time when the company with blockchain tech is accepted.
  • Token Sale

  • February 2018

  • Token sale
  • Public Token Sale

  • WePower public token sale will be launched.
  • WePower platform launch

  • March 2018

  • WePower platform launch
  • Country-wide energy tokenization test in Estonia

  • During the first of this kind test WePower will run nationwide energy tokenisation test with Estonia's TSO Elering.
  • Connection to the energy infrastructure

  • May 2018

  • Connection to the energy infrastructure
  • Connection to the energy infrastructure

  • WePower connected to the energy grid infrastructure.
  • Launch in Spain

  • July 2018

  • Platform testing
  • Platform testing

  • August 2018

  • Launch in Spain
  • WePower operational in Spain

  • WePower fully operational in Spain with first clients connected to the system.
  • Launch in Portugal and Germany

  • September 2018

  • Distribution of donated energy to token holders
  • Distribution of donated energy to token holders

  • October 2018

  • Launch in Portugal and Germany
  • Further expansion

  • January 2019

  • Balancing and frequency regulation
  • Balancing and frequency regulation

  • March 2019

  • Virtual power plant structure
  • Virtual power plant structure

  • 2019

  • Further expansion

WePower Team

Verified 38%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Kristjan Kuhi
Chief Architect
Jarmo Tuisk
Head of Product
Jenya Khvatsky
Business Development Director
Michael John
Chief Information Security Officer


$61 904 932

Peter H. Diamandis
Business extension
Nikolaj Martyniuk
CO-founder, project lead
Aukse Siaudzionyte
Content & social media manager
Kaspar Kaarlep


Verified 100%


$40 000 000

Nimrod Lehavi
Fintech & security advisor

WePower Interviews

Nikolaj Martyniuk
What is your opinion about the project?
It's one of the rear true application of blockchain where it actually solves problems. Fintech+Energy application. All major partnerships are in place to go forward including an agreement for the infrastructure availability on the national level for platform implementation. A Very experienced team in all the domains the platform touches from business development to in-depth understanding how energy systems work and execution experience.

The project brings immediate value to the participants in green energy financing and energy acquisition but at the same time bring value to the grid supporting renewables expansion.

WePower Last News

$ 0.0004
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 218.814 K
Volume 24h:
$ 0.0120
Circ. Supply:
608.822 M WPR

WePower Reviews


The team is able to secure a number of solid companies agreeing to work with WePower, which helps creating supply when the platform is launched and demonstrates the team’s capabilities.
This project demonstrates what blockchain can do and shows an innovative way to tokenize assets – in this case, energy.
From the tokenization of energy, energy construction projects can save on fundraising costs and are able to improve the return on equity, thus they can provide more affordable energy.

The energy sector is highly regulated and the landscape is different in each country. It may be difficult for different companies/governments to get on board with the idea of sharing one platform.
Even if the project successfully hits its own growth project (which is usually on the optimistic and aggressive side), the risk-adjusted return is not high. If we apply a 25% discount rate for the energy received as stated in page 11 of the white paper and assuming ether price is $1,000, the total return on the 10 ETH investment over a 6-year period is 67%, or a compound annual growth rate of 9%. This is considered low for a cryptocurrency investment.

Overall, we like the short-term potential but are neutral about its long-term potential for this ICO. Our thoughts of the tokens for short term and long term are as follows:
For ​short-term holding:
Good. The team, idea, bonus structure, and market awareness are all above average. We believe it should do well as long as the current correction is not protracted.
For long-term holding:
Neutral. Even using the company’s own growth project, the return of tokens from the 0.9% donation is unattractive. We like the idea of the project, but unless WePower's clients tokenize a much higher portion of their energy than projected, we don’t think holding WPR tokens for the 0.9% donation is worth it.

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  • Due to potential time differences in information updates, please verify the accuracy of each ICO project through its official website or other official communication channels.
  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
  • If you identify any issues or errors in this content, or if you wish to submit your own ICO project for listing, please contact us via email at info@icoholder.com.
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