Susanna Hasenoehrl

Global digital health leader preventing chronic diseases with tech & innovation
Projects Raised
About Susanna Hasenoehrl
Tech and innovation have always been my cornerstones, and now I’m using them to prevent chronic diseases - my true passion. No child deserves obesity, or diabetes, and parents lead the way. I’m aiming for behavioural change at scale through AI-assisted interventions: think achievable improvements in nutrition, sleep, exercise and mental health - for millions of families. Groomed in global tech companies and bridging between start-ups and corporations, my mission is to instil healthy lifestyle in a sustainable manner. Going-to-markets and ensuring product-market fit are my specialty. Driving sales and business development, I achieved 100 million Euro in annual revenue with my team. What matters to me most though are personal relationships, accountability and impact. As for leadership, coaching is the most effective approach I know and practice.
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