Per Wolf

Entrepreneur and Marketing Expert
Projects Raised
United Kingdom
About Per Wolf
I am successfully taking ideas and their owners to its next stage. Be it people with their very first business idea that need my help and experience to make it into their dream, or companies with an already existing business that needs a senior manager to make them more profitable, efficient or to help them grow into new markets. I believe that "anything you want to do I can make better" with the experience that there are always something that can be improved and that we constantly need to evolve. I am a lifestyle entrepreneur doing what I love and loving what I do and I never back away from a challenge, no matter where it is taking me, as I know by now that success comes to those that deserves it. That is why I have worked in different countries, in different industries, with completely different tasks and have a huge network of extremely successful people around me. I built this from the bottom to the top while I got 3 wonderful kids with the help of excellent time management skills and an amazing wife.
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