Founder, Finamatrix AI : FIX/BTC / Tech Investor / FX Quant Trader / Appraiser / Gallery Owner / Coder
$ 575,000
Projects Raised
Lanz Chan, Ph.D. is the founder of Finamatrix (2006), #1 Ranked A.I. FinTech Hedge Fund 2018 offering the first Global (Hybrid) Tech Fund (Regulated). Managing in excess of 1 billion dollars and armed with 20-years of experience spanning from the army, JP Morgan, Franklin Templeton to UBS, Dr. Chan is a research scholar from the National University of Singapore and was the President of the NUS Graduate Students Society. He is now an adjunct professor with various universities and consults for various companies such as Galaxy Asset Management (HK), Averic Capital Management (Singapore), etc; Dr. Chan launched a CSI300 fund with PingAn and Galaxy Asset Management, and has presented at the following conferences: - The 6th Annual Funds Forum China 2011, Beijing, Sep 21-22. - PingAn Futures Investment Conference, Shanghai, 26 Jun 2012. - ICBC Shenzhen Futian Investor Meeting, 7 Jul 2012. - China Merchants Futures / CTA Fund, Leading Funds Conference, Shenzhen, 17 Aug 2013. - Trillionaire, Billionaire, Millionaire, and the Mass Market, Singapore, Aug 2018. Conferences: - Sing T.F., KH Liow and WJ Chan (2001), Mean Reversion of Singapore Property Stock Prices Towards Their Fundamental Values. Paper presented at 6th Asian Real Estate Society Conference, 31 July - 3 August, Tokyo, Japan. - Liow, KH and Lanz CWJ. Chan (2004), Covariance, Coskewness, and Cokurtosis in Global Real Estate Securities. Paper presented at 5th Maastricht-Cambridge Real Estate Finance and Investment Symposium, 05-07 June, Crown Plaza Hotel, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
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