Jeffrey Ling

Main interests: #Travel #Blockchain [Side interests: #CorporateInnovation #VentureBuilding]
Projects Raised
About Jeffrey Ling
Before Discover X/Jienem, Jeffrey was at Taiwan Startup Stadium (TSS) dealing with startup development, investor relations and corporate relations. He has worked with over 130 tech startups covering various verticals. Before the startup journey, he spent 10 years as a legal professional, both law firm and in-house, and wandered into the startup world with the founding of Entrepreneurs Society of Taiwan (EST) in January 2011. He tried his hands on his own legal startup as well as led a local team as country manager for a Korean enterprise SaaS startup prior to joining TSS. He is also a on-and-off blogger on various startup-related topics. Jeffrey was born and raised in Malaysia and spent an extended time in New Zealand before transitioning to Taiwan. He has three degrees (Commerce, Arts, Law) from Canterbury University (New Zealand) and an MBA (Entrepreneurship) from National Chengchi University (Taiwan).
Associated ICOs