Jan Albert Jager

Interim manager|CEO startups/scaleups|business strategy|blockchain/ICO|sales|extended international network|entrepreneur
$ 769,612
Projects Raised
About Jan Albert Jager
►When investing in a startup, the goal is to scale up. It is good to have an experienced CEO to realize the growth that is necessary in this phase. ► I have decades of experience in scaling up and running high-performing companies in rapidly changing international markets. I always look at scalability using lean startup methods. As CEO I can act on the full breadth; strategy, operation, finance and sales. ► I see which revenue models will work and with my background and experience I can come up with innovative solutions that are pragmatic and provide quick results. New technology such as blockchain, AI or machine learning have no secrets for me. I translate new technological developments into opportunities in the market. ► I work with the Lean start up principle: Build-Measure-Learn. As an investor / CEO, I am a cooperative shareholder who not only contributes capital, but above all drive, boldness, strategy and (commercial) strength. With my down-to-earth view of business, I know how to build trust with large companies to step into new concepts. In advice and sales conversations I am able to make complex concepts simple and clear. ►Managing a team of highly skilled professionals suits me well because I speak their language. Not only have I studied computer science, but I have also been involved in the profession for quite some time. ► Several times, as a crisis manager, I guided companies to a new start. I identify the weak spots and where necessary I can take decisive actions and make the corresponding difficult conversations. EXPERTISE: startups and scaleups | new business development | consultative selling on board level | crisis management | investment memorandums | blockchain and ICO | webdevelopment | digital marketing | growth hacking | corporate startups
Associated ICOs