George Popescu

$ 23,469,351
Projects Raised
United States
About George Popescu
I am presently the CEO and co-founder of Lampix, an augmented reality technology platform. I am also the founder and Editor in Chief of Lending Times, a media company in the peer-to-peer, marketplace and online lending space. I am also, Chairman of the Board of advisors of Gatecoin, a blockchain asset exchange and an advisor to First Blood, a blockchain based eSports platform. I sold and exited my most successful company, Boston Technologies (BT) group, in 2014. BT was a technology, market maker, high-frequency trading and inter-broker broker-dealer in the FX Spot, precious metals and CFDs space company. I was the Founder and CEO and I boot-strapped it from $0 to a $20+ million in revenue without any equity investment. BT was the #1 fastest growing company in Boston in 2011 according to the Boston Business Journal and the only company being in top 10 fastest in 2012-13 as it was #5 in 2012. BT has been on the Inc. 500/5000 list of fastest growing companies in the US for 4 years in a row ( #143, #373, #897 and #1270). After the sale I was Head-of-Strategy for Currency Mountain ( ), a USD 100 million+ holding company focused on retail and medium institutional currencies. Over the last 10 years, I founded 10+ companies in online lending, craft beer brewery, exotic sports car rental space, hedge funds, peer-reviewed scientific journal, a venture-debt fund, etc. I advised 30+ early stage start-ups in different fields. I was also a mentor at MIT’s Venture Mentoring Services and Techstars Fintech in NY. Previously I obtained 3 Master's Degrees: a Master's of Science from MIT working on 3D printing, a Master’s in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Supelec, France and a Master's in Nanosciences from Paris XI University. My scientific career led to about 10 publications and patents. On the business side, Boston Business Journal has named me in the top 40 under 40 in 2012. I am originally from Romania and grew up in Paris, France.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    • Master of Science; Master of Science
    • Material Science
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Computer Science
  • 2004-2005 Université Paris XI
    • Masters of Science; Master of Science
    • Nanosciences; Math
    • Physics and Chemistry
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    • Master's
    • Science
  • See 2 more
  • École Supérieure d'Électricité
    • Ingenieur
    • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Louis-le-Grand
    • French Classes Preparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles
    • Maths
    • Physics and Chemistry
  • Lampix
    • CEO and Co-Founder
  • Block X Bank
    • Managing Partner
  • Lending Times
    • Founder
    • CEO and Editor in Chief
  • See 21 more
  • opiria
    • Advisor
  • Restart Energy
    • Advisor
  • Factury, Inc.
    • Advisor
  • Well, Inc.
    • Chairman board of advisors
  • DropDeck Technologies JSC
    • Chairman board of Advisors
  • AirFox
    • Advisor
  • FirstBlood
    • Advisor
  • Gatecoin
    • Chairman Board of Advisors
  • LunaCap Ventures
    • Partner
  • Backed Inc.
    • Co-Founder
  • Down the Road Brewery
    • CEO and Co-Founder
  • Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
    • President
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
    • Startup Mentor
  • Currency Mountain Holdings
    • Head of Strategy
  • BT Prime
    • CEO
  • Alt-Options LLC
    • Adviser
  • Boston Technologies Inc
    • Founder and CEO
  • Real Estate Cloud
    • Chairman
  • Steam Sport Car Rentals
    • Founder and CEO
  • Accenture
    • Analyst
  • Boston Trading and Research
    • Chief Technology Officer