Daniel Freitas

Projects Raised
About Daniel Freitas
• More than 5 years as Assistant Professor at Computer Science Program of UFMS; • Strong experience in Software Development in C and C++ (15 years - 10 as developer and 5 teaching) developing solutions used in more than 4 million devices; • PhD Candidate in computer science at UNICAMP, focusing on Dynamic Activity Recognition with Deep Neural Networks; • Solid knowledge in Machine Learning and Deep Learning using Python, Tensorflow and MATLAB.
  • UNAES – Centro Universitário de Campo Grande
    • BS
    • Computer Science
  • Universidade Estadual de Campinas
    • PhD
    • Computer Science
  • Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
    • MSc
    • Electrical Engineering - Artificial Intelligence
  • SISCON Consultoria de Sistemas Ltda
    • Software Engineer
  • APPI
    • Senior Software Engineer
  • Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
    • Assistant Professor
  • See 3 more
  • Y Digital Intelligence
    • Founder/Full stack developer
  • Rede Tendência
    • Software Engineer and Team Leader
  • DNIT
    • Intern
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