Projects Raised
United States
I am very interested in business as an art, from the simplest in form to the complex. My laser focus is Blockchain and the accounting automation that is soon to occur with triple entry accounting. This interest is the foundation for my love of accounting and problem-solving. I worked for 2 and a half years as an auditor traveling the United States with an excellent team, primarily focused on Public Company audits and reviews. That experience allowed me to work closely with CFO's and Controllers from various industries, including, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Restaurant Franchising, Engineering, Software Development, Fiber Optics, Development Stage Tech Companies as well as 401K plans and Common Interest Realty Associations. From there I jumped at the opportunity to work under the very talented Bill Lougheed of the LSC Group. Over a year of intensity and dedication, I learned to refine my skills, think outside the box and solve complex accounting transactions. His leadership has had in incredible influence over how I identify a problem, set out to solve it and the fashion in which I organize my support and conclusions. Then on to my first CFO role with Nettalk.com, a leading voip provider. I worked with them for a couple of years and then served as Director of Audit, Assurance, Forensics and Valuation services at LS & Company, serving clients that ranged from low millions in revenue to close to a billion in revenues. Currently I'm focused on Waste Management and Blockchain companies, and hopefully assisting in making this a better world. Specialties: My specialties include auditing public and private companies, assisting companies with the audit and review process, preparing financial statements, writing footnotes, researching, inter-personal skills, blockchain tech and providing energy and vision with whomever I'm working with.
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