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ICEBRK is a social media driven NFT marketplace designed to capture and mint our users' real-world experiences on BSC.
To be announced
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About IceBreak-R

ICEBRK token is the governance and utility token for the IceBreak-R Network, a social media driven NFT-marketplace and DeFi ecosystem. Each transaction generates static token rewards to holders, Liquidity Pool acquisition and token burns. Additionally a small portion of the transaction fees will be donated to charity as well as go towards funding the development of the IceBreak-R dApp, to ensure project longevity.Using the ICEBRK token, users will be able to interact with a world of NFT art within the IceBreak-R dApp, use the dApp to organize and attend virtual gatherings at real events using the exclusive MiddleGround feature, create and market their own NFTs which capture & monetize real-life experiences. Future project expansion potentially includes developing a P2P lending & prediction market utilizing the ICEBRK token as well as integrating IceBreak-R Dating and premium tier profiles for accessing select dApp features.

IceBreak-R Last News

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