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HyperproAi mission is to create the framework for the web-3 era, which aims to give all industries access to low-cost, private, and secure high-performance compung power, enabling and boosng output to decentralized exchange through automated data analycs and tracking. Some of these industries include real estate and the gaming industries.
Six months
Apr 1, 2023
Aug 5, 2023
100% completed
$250 000
3% goal completed
Goal 7 995 000.00 USD
Token Details
Total supply
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Additional Details

About Hyperproai

The hyperproai platform combines blockchain and ai to produce a new ai fabric that offers superior current-day usable ai functionality while progressing toward the realization of the team visions of artificial general intelligence.

The Hyperproai team develops smart contract which aids creation of successful applications cutting across various quarter of the web3 ecosystem.

Not only does this application preserve the traditional values of blockchain technology, but it also revives the usability of the cryptocurrency by providing new features and methods of earning more. Asides from other reasons, the decentralized exchange was mainly introduced as an alternative approach to cryptocurrency trading.

Hyperpro AI’s decentralized exchange is being developed as a revolutionary approach toward the inefficiencies of existing centralized and decentralized exchanges.

HyperproAI aims to be the driving ecosystem behind blockchain, crypto, NFTs, marketplaces, and artificial intelligence. This team is developing a large AI community to generate working income for its participants and investors.

Furthermore, HyperproAi seeks to give industries low-cost private, secure, high-performance computing power to expedite development in AI.

This team intends to solve common problems the community faces by providing a safe and secure environment for users.


Creates the framework for the web-3 era, which aims to give all industries access to low-cost, private, and secure high-performance computing power, enabling and boosting output to decentralized exchange through automated data analytics and tracking. Some of these industries include real estate and the gaming industries. Creating a fair distribution of power, value, and technology in the global commons.

AI Players
Hyperproai maximizes participation from various ai players in the ecosystem worldwide, including developers, universities, computing power providers, smes, financial institutes, data providers, etc. By using the hpo token as the platform's universal currency.set up automated trading strategies based on key metrics and order types. Once created, the strategies can be plugged directly into their broker's api.

Unique A.I Marketplace/ DAPP
The Hyperproai is a decentralized application (dapp), which lists the available ai services and helps you to interact with those services through web interface abstracting all the complexity in invoking a service. It also processes payment for services (through metamask/general wallet) and conduct service ratings.

A transaction happens on blockchain, an event is created. The marketplace monitors all those events. For example, if you publish a new organization, a new service, the marketplace receives an alert notification about published information in the blockchain. The marketplace reads the organization metadata, the service metadata and the stores this into its database.

Hyperproai Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Idea and Conceptualisation.
    Product finalization.
  • Phase 2

  • Develop a whitepaper for the community at large to learn more about HYPERPROAI Investors.
    Develop brand, website, telegram & social media communities.
    Design prototype investor NFT.
    Smart contract testing and creation.
    Design marketing strategy and identify influencers that align with our cause.
    Certify our smart contact with an independent reputable audit service.
  • Phase 3

  • Launch smart contract on mainnet.
    Launch presale Decentralised Exchange.
    Develop our smart contract for gains sharing algorithm.
    Identify businesses and potential celebrity endorsements and partnerships.
  • Phase 4

    Launch first set of HPO NFTs.
  • Read More
  • Phase 5

  • Multiple exchange listing.
    Further PR campaigns on HPO NFTs launch.
    Further PR campaigns on HPO Coin.

Hyperproai Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team


Hyperproai Last News

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