Green Wall

Green Wall

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Crypto is back green and the media says we're building a Green Wall! Could this green wall be the kick start of the next bull run?
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About Green Wall

GreenWall is a fully Decentralized Protocol on the Binance Smart Chain. GreenWall was created by a team with 4+ years of experience in the DeFi space, consisting of extraordinary developers, designers and analysts. Green Wall is bringing bsc and crypto users innovative technology that alerts you when your trades are down or up!

The GreenWall aims on building the most awesome community in the DeFi space! No project can succeed without a community thats ready to support the team and push the project. The GreenWall Project aims at building a friendly group of investors, team members and contributors. The community decides for all the decisions related to the GreenWall Project.

Green Wall Roadmap

  • PHASE 1

  • Project initialization.
    Telegram and Twitter Setup.
    Launch on PancakeSwap V2.
    Marketing on Telegram and Twitter.
    RoadMap V1.
    Website Launch.
    Coin Listing Sites
    WhitePaper Publication.
  • PHASE 2

  • Community review of our first utility (TradeTrackerBot).
    Aggressive Marketing rollout.
    GreenWall Trade Bot initialization and design release.
    GreenWall Trade Bot beta release and testing phase.
    Partnerships with popular influencers.
    GreenWall Trade Bot integration on the Binance Smart Chain.
  • PHASE 3

  • Basic Smart Contract Audit.
    CMC, Nomics, and CG Listing.
    Solid partnerships (with utility focus).
    Dapps / Games.
    CEX listings.
    Major partnerships.
    Real world events.
    Further marketing plans.
  • PHASE 4

  • GreenWallSwap initialization and development.
    GREENWALL (NFT/Merchandise marketplace).
    GreenWallSwap design and beta release.
    Partnerships with major projects for listings on our swap and liquidity function addition.
    GreenWallSwap release.
    Full Audit for Token Contract, NFT's Staking Platform, and GreenWallSwap from CERTIK.
    RoadMap v2 publication.

Green Wall Last News

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