Slime Royale

Slime Royale

Battle Royale, Collectible

Attracting Play-to-Earn gamers is an ideal way to start off an NFT project. It helps the game with capital-raising and gain more popularity. However, the long-term strategy must be retaining Play-for-Fun players with a storyline interesting enough to keep them from leaving. Our main target, therefore, is “Whale players’ - those who are willing to pay a great deal of money in exchange for fun.

We truly understand the importance of attractive gameplay that hooks a large number of players. In-game items will be valueless if there’s no one bothering to claim them. And the price growth of the NFTs will soon inevitably come to an end. It was the worst-case scenario that happened to Crypto Kitties Mania, a game that saw a boom and bust cycle in just three months.

With that in mind, we are aiming to create joyful and challenging gameplay that suits all tastes. Players will need excellent team formation skills based on lineups, tactics, classes, game control abilities to win a match. And first and foremost, we want to create a game that we will love and want to play.