Mimir Quiz

Mimir Quiz

Android, Browser, iOS

The core mission of the Mimir World project is to build a knowledge based & gamified platform that bridges the gap between the crypto-verse & the traditional world.

The Mimir World is powered by some of the greatest things that blockchain technology has to offer. When we highlight the different features such as play to earn, NFTs, Metaverse or any other because they serve as a marketing tool for the latest trendy buzz words but rather because they solve real world problems & have the power to completely disrupt & decentralize entire markets that

will be an Ethereum ERC20 decentralized governance token deployed on the Polygon network. Through our innovative play-to-earn model, we will reward our users with Mimir Tokens simply by playing our different quiz modes.

The Mimir Quiz app will be the first cryptocurrency-powered game show app and represents the next evolution in quiz participation. Using live video streaming, we will build a social community where users from all over the world can not only win big prizes, but also test their knowledge on a variety of topics. The Mimir Quiz is a fun, rewarding, occasionally unpredictable shared experience with crypto-rewards. The Mimir app and token can be connected with a shared wallet and has a strong focus on user availability.