

MacOS, Windows

Are you ready to become the legendary Mafioso? The Mafioso is a brand-filled, Play To Earn, Fantom Foundation based economic simulator metaverse that allows users to step into the shoes of a 1920’s mafia gangster. Similar to the real world, users start at the bottom and must work their way up through ruthless strategy. Only once you have proved yourself as a recruit and stayed loyal to your crime family will you grow in rank and seniority. This is a high-risk, high-reward metaverse, not for the faint of heart. Manage legit businesses and organized crime to work your way up to control the entire underworld. In The Mafioso, you will live fast and die young, but in this world, you get to keep the cash once you're in the casket.


Mafioso is a web3 PC metaverse/experience for Windows and macOS. The Mafioso’s genre is a combination of an idle economy simulation and 3rd Person action/shooter. At the foundation, Mafioso is a social experience. All of the metaverse's features are rooted in the community, & the anonymous player base is the determining factor of not only how the metaverse is played but how rich the experience is.

The Mafioso world has set rules which govern metaplay, yet the community’s and the individual player’s decisions both dictate the experience for everyone in very tangible ways. The personal risks a player chooses to make creates or takes away rewards and metaverse progression opportunities, while the community as a whole decides competition & collaboration, builds & guides the markets, and creates social circles and hierarchies.

The core metaplay consists of users recruiting criminals and equipment to their team in order to carry out various illegal jobs within the metaverse. These jobs come with risks and rewards, and depending on the skills of the team and equipment available the probabilities of success can increase. However the consequences of failure can force the player to lose their currency and criminal assets for a period or permanently.

Users also participate in social organizations called Crime Families, which make up the larger social organizations within the metaverse, called Commissions. The Crime Families serve as social hierarchies for the player to progress, giving higher ranking users more privileges and responsibilities along with more severe consequences within the Commission. Commissions serve as the major sub-communities or factions of the player base, creating rivalries and competition between large portions of users.

MetaPaper Purpose

This document provides a general introduction and a high-level overview of the blockchain-based, criminal economy simulation metaverse, The Mafioso. This paper will include a brief technical overview of the Blockchain technology used, as well as an explanation of metaplay, metaverse assets, monetization model, growth model, and market research. Decentralized networks have major implications for the gaming industry, The Mafioso team is positioned to capitalize on these technologies. This paper’s intended audience is business persons, entrepreneurs, cryptocurrency enthusiasts, metaversers, economists, and anyone interested in making a name for themselves in the virtual criminal underworld.