Life Beyond

Life Beyond


Become a citizen of a virtual ecopunk society within a fascinating alien world where you can be whoever you want to be, enjoying the feeling of a modern MMO game with endless social and creative possibilities, powered by web3 and blockchain technologies.


Discover a wounded planet that needs your help to heal. This world could hold the key to the future of mankind, but it needs to be cured before welcoming your new settlements.

Players fighting the corruption monsters


Learn how to use incredible tools (which somehow look like BIG guns) and jump into various fun missions with your teammates. Fight the corruption and save the planet!

Characters relaxing in the cantina


Further than the game’s adventure, add true ownership to your experience through NFTs and own your gears, outfits, even your lands in this endless world.


Life Beyond will give you the opportunity to become a citizen of a new kind of ecopunk society. In the game, you will be able to be whoever you want to be!

As a true citizen of this society, you will have the chance to own land and build a home, heck, build a bakery, a cinema, a hospital, build whatever you feel fits the needs of the community!

You'll get to develop special skills and learn how to craft unique NFTs and items to trade with other players.

Outside of the game, you will be able to interact with your community and fulfil a bunch of goals that will be rewarded in the universe of Life Beyond!

All of our players will have true ownership over their path: create, sell, trade, build, or just enjoy the fun gameplay of our coop missions to fight the corruption and save the planet Dolos.

Would you be a major, a bartender, a warrior, an explorer?

We are waiting for you!