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Exhibit ICO is an all-in-one platform, designed to make all users decisions and opportunities to have basic income online. The exhibition also uses the blocking technology for all necessary services.
  • Market
    Volume 24H
    24H (price)
    24H (volume)
  • EtherFlyer
    EXBT/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 3.02E-6
    $ 0.0042
  • Altilly
    EXBT/USDT 5 one year ago
    $ 3.009E-5
  • Altilly
    EXBT/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 4.641E-5
  • Altilly
    EXBT/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0001
  • TokenJar
    EXBT/WETH 5 one year ago
  • Coinchangex
    EXBT/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0010
    $ 0.3134
  • STEX
    EXBT/ETH 6 one year ago
    $ 1.5108985025277E-5
    $ 0.0845
  • Bitbegin
  • Bitbegin
To be announced
Additional Details

About Exhibit

Our vision is to create a platform which can give people a chance to take part in the growing cryptocurrency market by allowing them to do some of the things they used to do a lot using the internet. Our company envisions accelerated adoption of blockchain technology, more democratized ownership of digital assets, better understanding of blockchain technology and and useful services offered within our platform.
This will serve as the main store of the platform. In this section you can exhibit anything, either products, services or any gigs.Exhibit Store. By doing simple tasks, you will be rewarded Exhibit Token. You will also be rewarded for your daily log in. By simply sharing contents you will be rewarded Exhibit Token. You can upload any multimedia or document type files. Make sure that the content is informative and without any suspicious/malicious contents. In this section you need to buy game credits using Exhibit token first before you can participate on any games. If you win game credits, you can also convert it into Exhibit Token.



We believe that very soon, cryptocurrency adoption will become reality. We would like to become part of history by fulfilling the following company missions.
• Provision of free cryptocurrency educational materials for our community.
• Creation of different services that will make use of our token (EXBT) as mode of payment.
• Using a platform that’s accessible, convenient and friendly for all people to transact, engage and confidently use the blockchain technology.
• Building a community comprised of people with the same vision and dreams for the future of money.

Exhibit Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Jhomar Montoya



Romiel Basco
Marco Rody
Market Lead/Bitcointalk Admin



Farrah Yap
Airdrop/Bounty Manager
Armida Viana
Cryptocurrency Specialist


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Yun-Yun Alindajao
Investment Advisor

Exhibit Last News

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  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
  • If you identify any issues or errors in this content, or if you wish to submit your own ICO project for listing, please contact us via email at info@icoholder.com.
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