Since 2013 LABITCONF brings together several of the top speakers in the world, combined with the participation of industry players from more than 20 countries. Government and CEOs will discuss and explore the full potential of this technology.
Very well organized, good content and the extra activities has been really nice experience. The audience agreed with my view about freedom and privacy.
Pablo Coirolo
As a speaker, can you tell us about your speech at the event?
I spoke yesterday about Liechtenstein and regulation, and tomorrow I am speaking about Creating Communities and Crypto Bay Montevideo.
Eduardo Lemp Donoso
Could you tell us what is your opinion about this event?
Most interesting for me is the quality of the speakers, starting with Andreas, the variety of topics addressed, and the innovative companies that are sponsors of the event. Most of them are based in latinamerica, and they have great and innovative blockchain technology products and services to offer worldwide. Its a great place to find business parters to tackle difficult project that run on the internet and need to handle value assets and trustless automation.
Solange Gueiros
As a speaker, can you tell us about your speech at the event?
Argentina speaking about how to understand what's the right platform for your project. We talked about the challenges of each platform for adoption in applications. I particularly talked about the transition from proof of work to proof of stake in Ethereum and block size limitations for publishing decentralized applications.
Sam Lee
Could you tell us what you will talk about at the event?
Funding Strategies in the Cryptospace - Diversas estrategias para generar ingresos en el mundo de las cryptos.
Mariano DiPietrantonio
Can you tell us about your topic at the event? What is your opinion about this event?
My talk was about stablecoin, past, present and future. It was nice and colorful event.
Dora Ruíz Madrigal
Could you tell us what you will talk about at the event?
Goverment blockchain Procurement expirence - using blockchain in the procurement industry.
Arley Lozano
Could you tell us about your role at the event?
We are in the exchange panel and talk about regulations in latam.
Matías Nisenson
Can you tell us more about your topic and speech at the event?
Blockchain gaming. We’ll be discussing the future of blockchain gaming and esports with John Lee from ESL Asia.
Hector Hernández
Could you tell us about your role at the event?
I am a part of a panel Blockchaun business and logistics use cases.
Cristobal Pereira
What is your opinion about this event?
Great event! A lot of networking, people from every part of the world. Very well organized.
Tyler Evans
What is your opinion about this event?
It was a great and very interesting event.
Juan Llanos
Can you tell us about your topic at the event?
Blockchain's regulation, adoption and attraction around the world.
Eddy Travia
Could you tell us about your role at the event? What is your opinion about this event?
No presentation just my contribution to a panel. I liked the line up of speakers with Andreas Antonopoulos and Adam Back and many other interesting speakers and panelists. Many sessions are original, some focus on non-profit such as Blockchain for Humanity, some focus on the Blockchain ecosystem in Latin America; always a different perspective than standard conferences. There is also an emphasis on the overall experience with many events and activities in parallel to the conference. It is a warm and friendly atmosphere where participants learn about the place and make lasting memories.