InsurTech Innovation Congress China 2018

Shanghai , China

About InsurTech Innovation Congress China 2018

The Only International Insurtech Conference in China

InsurTech is now arising to disturb the insurance industry. Globally, the investments in insurTech increase rapidly and leads the way of growth rate among all other sectors in fmtech. In China, the interest for insurTech grows very fast. In May 2017, the China InsurTech Development White Paper was published. The White Paper has indicated that there are 10 emerging technologies will disrupt the insurance industry and reshape the future, and the 10 technologies are blockchain, AI, IoT, big data, cloud computing, tclematics, driverless car, UAV, DNA genetic testing, and wearable device. The revolution is now at the edge of breaking out, while many challenges still remain, such as regulatory supports, technology maturity, business models, industrial acceptance, professional skills, and etc.

The Insuffech Innovation Congress China 2018 is academically advised by Insurance Research Institute of Fudan University, and held by S7.&W gmup. The congress will gather leading experts both from home and abroad to explore the development trends of insurtech, and to share their practices in new technology applications. And we wish the event will push forward insurtech innovation and development in China.


Wenhu Xu
Xiaoling Yang
Solmaz Altin
Chief Digital Officer Allianz SE
Peijian Sun
Chairman & General Manager China Pacific Insurance Group (CPIC)
Shoubo Ning
General Manager Sunshine Life Insurance
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Kenny Chien
Jack Yuan
Assistant President & Chief Strategy Officer AXA Tianping P&C Insurance Co., Ltd.
Steven Shao
Chief Medical Officer China Pacific Life Insurance
Eric Zheng
President & CEO AIG China
Carl Wegner
Managing Director, Head of Asia r3.
Julie Wang
Vice Chair & Chief Actuary Mayo Clinic
Frank Desvignes
Founder & CEO AXA Lab Asia
Sebastien Gaudin
Founder & CEO The CareVoice
Michael Natusch
Global Head of Artificial Intelligence Prudential plc
Lei Yuan
General Manager of Big Data Hejin Online
Alain Peddle
Deputy General Manager Ping An Health
Leo Zhou
Founder & CEO Webot Technology
Hao Luo
FinTech Director Tencent Security Xuanwu Lab
Yu Du
Deputy General Manager Taikang Insurance Group
Chen Li
FinCloud Director Alibaba Inc.
Ming Xiong
Chief Information Officer China Taiping Insurance Group Ltd.
Yunkai Chen
Insurance BU Lead SAS China
Jeff Yao
Director of Insurance and Actuary EY (China)


Session 1: InsurTech Ecosystem&Insurance Transformation

09:00 Building InsurTech Ecosystem in China: Policy Supports &Industry Efforts
09:20 An Authoritative Interpretation of the China InsurTech Development White Paper
09:40 Digitalization of Insurance Industry: Current Status and Prospects
10:00 InsurTech Innovation and Development Trends all around the World
10:20 Networking Coffee Break

Session 2: Big Data & the Age of “Precision” Insurance

10:50 Know Your Customers and the Trends of Self-Tailored Insurance Products
11:15 Big Data, Data Analytics and Precision Marketing in Insurance
11:40 Utilizing Big Data in Insurance Claim Management
12:05 Gene Test, Life Data & The Precision Trends Development in Health Management
12:30 Luncheon Sponsorship Available
14:00 Panel Discussion: Where Big Data Come from?

Session 3: Blockchain&Its Commercial Values for Insurance

14:30 The Commercial Values of Blockchain in Insurance
14:55 Blockchain-Based Insurance Products Innovations
15:20 The Application of SmartContracts in Insurance Underwritings and Claims: Challenges & Solutions
15:45 Case Study of Blockchain Commercial Application in Insurance
16:10 To Achieve the Commercial Values of Blockchain in Insurance
16:35 Networking Coffee Break

Session 4: Mobile Internet Applications in Insurance & Customer Experience Improvement

17:05 The Mobile Trends in Insurance
17:30 Mobile APP Innovation to Improve Customer Experience
17:55 The Rising of InsurTech & Its Affects on Insurance Industry

Session 5: Getting Automatic and Smart-the Disruption of AI for Insurance

09:00 Automatic and Smart: The Potentials of AI and the Application Scenarios in Insurance
09:25 Using Chat Robots & Human Face Recognition to Improve Efficiency and Customer Experiences:
09:50 Image Recognition Technology to Revolute Insurance Claim Management: Smart and Simple
10:15 How Insurers Can Harness Artificial Intelligence
10:40 Networking Coffee Break
11:10 The rising of AI: opportunities or threats?

Session 6: IoT Insurance-Get Connected, Stay Connected

12:25 Telematics and UBI: Latest Development Worldwide & China’s Practices
12:25 The Potentials of Wearables for Health Insurance & Challenges
12:25 Smart Home and Homeowners Insurance
12:50 Networking Luncheon

Session 7: Cloud Computing & Its Potentials for Insurance

14:00 How Cloud Computing will Transform Insurance
14:25 Experience Sharing of the Implementation of Cloud Computing in Insurance Enterprise
14:50 Build Cloud Data Center: Core Technologies, Operation Maintenance and Security
15:15 Cloud Solutions for SMEs in Insurance Industry
16:05 Networking Coffee Break
16:05 Privacy and Security Solutions for Cloud Applications

Session 8: Innovations in Insurance RegTech

17:40 Innovating with RegTech: TurningRegulatory Compliance into a Competitive Advantage
17:40 Panel Discussion: the Development in RegTech- Opportunities and Challenges
17:40 Chairman’s Closing Remarks & the End of the 2-Day Conference

Jan 9, 2019, 9:00 AM , CST (UTC +8)
Jan 10, 2019, 5:40 PM , CST (UTC +8)