Avalanche Summit LATAM 2024

Buenos Aires , Argentina

About Avalanche Summit LATAM 2024

Learn about the latest network innovations, explore new use cases being built on-chain, and connect with like-minded founders and developers from around the globe

Summit LATAM gives developers a place to learn about the latest Avalanche updates, see innovations, and meet like-minded creators realizing the next generation of Web3


Avalanche Summit LATAM will be a pivotal moment in Web3 history. Here we will announce Avalanche9000, an upgrade that will make launching your own permissionless L1 easier than ever before.

Avalanche is the blockchain of choice for some of the largest gaming companies in the world. From Konami, to Nexon, to Gunzilla, and dozens more, Avalanche is solidifying itself as the home for the Web3 gaming industry.

App Showcase
We will showcase the next generation of Web3 apps accompanied with the builders that make them possible. DeFi, art, institutions, social, enterprise, and more.


Oct 16, 2024, 10:00 AM , ART (UTC -3)
Oct 18, 2024, 2:00 PM , ART (UTC -3)
Ciudad Cultural Konex