It is the first investment platform that unites two major economies:
the FIAT money, in clear regression of usability due to its enormous inflation, and the Cryptocurrency, a new economy that counts today with a market capitalization of more than three hundred billion dollars and more than thirty-five million Wallet users in the world.
Eurocoinpay, from a usable point of view, is a payment application that allows the user (client and business) to pay and receive payments in many different desired cryptocurrency.
From a technical view point, it is the first exchange whose balances can be used on a day-to-day basis thanks to the payment application developed on iOS and Android.
It is a revolutionary method of payment, we are the simplest way to make payments, online or physical transactions in real time, without waiting for confirmation.
Our Smart Contracts supports Blockchain ERC20 technology from Ethereum with IOTA that does not support BlockChain, this allows us to make transactions at zero cost for the Platform.
For the first time this is possible and customers pay P2P without third parties and this allows us very competitive intermediation transactions for businesses, stores/shops and customers. We accept all types of FIAT currency or Cryptocurrencies. In short, we make easy what for many is the most complicated.
September 2016
January 2017
April 2017
May 2017
August 2017
September 2017
October 2017
January 2018
February 2018
March 2018
April-October 2018
November 2018
Verified 31%
Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team
This offer is based solely on information provided by the offeror and other publicly available sources.
The token sale or exchange event is completely independent of ICOholder. ICOholder is not involved in any way, including technical support or promotion.
We list token sales from entities with which we have no relationship to help users track overall activity within the token sector. This information is not intended as advice, and you should seek professional or specialist guidance or conduct your own due diligence before making any decisions based on our content.
Any terms and conditions regarding token acquisition are solely between contributors and the token issuer. ICOholder is not the seller of these tokens.
ICOholder is not legally responsible for any representations made by third parties about any token sale. Any claims for breach of contract must be directed against the listed token issuing entity.
If you have concerns about the nature, legality, or propriety of a token sale or the involved individuals, please contact with detailed information.