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Eurocoinpay ICI is an application developed under the most preferential technology that makes it possible to pay and claim services or products purchased or contracted with the cryptocurrency you desire. Eurocoinpay provides a comprehensive platform that cryptocurrencies will not be a deposit of value to pass on to have real usability with today's normal sale purchase. In addition, you can open and close purchase and sales operations on the public market of encrypted communication itself, you can broaden the scope of the service and bind more users to the project.
  • Market
    Volume 24H
    24H (price)
    24H (volume)
  • P2B
    ECTE/BTC 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0802
    $ 4.402 K
    ECTE/BTC 2 one year ago
    $ 0.2109
    $ 9.152 K
  • Exrates
    ECTE/BTC 2 one year ago
    $ 0.3103
  • Exrates
    ECTE/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0013
    $ 0.2616
  • Exrates
    ECTE/USD 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0003
    $ 0.0600
  • P2B
    ECTE/USD 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0500
    $ 2.50
  • P2B
    ECTE/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0955
    $ 0.4777
    ECTE/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0599
    $ 6.852 K
Aug 1, 2018
Nov 30, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Hard cap 5 000 000.00 EURO
  • 1 ECT
    0.5 EURO
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details
Yes , from Jan 3, 2018 till Oct 31, 2018
Cryptocurrency, Business services, Software

About Eurocoinpay

It is the first investment platform that unites two major economies:

the FIAT money,  in clear regression of usability due to its enormous inflation, and the Cryptocurrency, a new economy that counts today with a market capitalization of more than three hundred billion dollars and more than thirty-five million Wallet users in the world.

Eurocoinpay,  from a usable point of view, is a payment application that allows the user (client and business) to pay and receive payments in many different desired cryptocurrency.

From a technical view point, it is the first exchange whose balances can be used on a day-to-day basis thanks to the payment application developed on iOS and Android.



  • The purpose of Eurocoinpay is to serve, for the first time in our society, a technological tool that allows us, with total freedom, to decide with what currency to pay with the products and services that are contracted.
  • The Eurocoinpay ecosystem has been conceived to offer an integral service for the user of the cryptographic world. Far beyond a simple cryptocurrency, a payment application, an exchange or a speculative token, it is a powerful project that unites everything that the investor in cryptographic currencies has been waiting for.
  • Payment application for iOS & Android
  • EurocoinBroker: Exchange & Wallet
  • EurocoinToken: Currency exchange with usability
  • EurocoinCash: Shelter currency whose value is 1 ECH = € 1
  • Eurocoinpay VISA: To use wallet balances and make payments in any place or ATM in the world

Technical Info

It is a revolutionary method of payment, we are the simplest way to make payments, online or physical transactions in real time, without waiting for confirmation.

Our Smart Contracts supports Blockchain ERC20  technology from Ethereum with IOTA that does not support  BlockChain, this allows us to make transactions at zero cost for the Platform.

For the first time this is possible and customers pay P2P without third parties and this allows us very competitive intermediation transactions for businesses, stores/shops  and customers. We accept all types of FIAT currency or Cryptocurrencies. In short, we make easy what for many is the most complicated.

Eurocoinpay Roadmap

  • September 2016

  • EUROCOIN® Brand registered in the EU.
  • January 2017

  • Foundation of EUROCOIN Broker, S.A.
  • April 2017

  • Public presentation and launch of Eurocoinpay ® as a virtual currency.
  • May 2017

  • Handing over of Backoffice to clients.
  • Read More
  • August 2017

  • Developed the creation of the Token Eurocoin for Blockchain of Smart
  • September 2017

  • Development and change of image of Eurocoinpay.
  • October 2017

  • 1,000 first clients.
  • January 2018

  • Own exchange system for cryptocurrencies and purchases directly on our platform.
  • February 2018

  • Development of Tokens Ethereum Tokens (ERC20), complying with the standards for the creation of an ICO, development of the white book, strategic alliances with software developers, security systems and implementation of the web page and virtual office; Partnerships with more inevestment and payment gateway companies; Implementation of multi-token wallets within our platform that support the main cryptocurrencies on the market: Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple, Litecoin, Monero, Dash, Zcash, Tokens ERC20.
  • March 2018

  • Initial coin offering: packages, start of Eurocoin Tokens; Internal wallet 100% functional; Protection against Hacks and DDOS; Innovation and development of new investment platforms that will offer bonds to the holders of ECT tokens; 2.500 clients.
  • April-October 2018

  • Implementation of the new BackOffice; Development of the wallet on the app for Android & IOS 100%
    functional; Implementation of Anti-Hack on Mobile Wallet; Release to the market of the payment system with any currency at any business and/or establishment.
  • November 2018

  • We begin the sale of the Tokens Eurocoin ECT on our own exchange and third parties that we will announce; Listing of Eurocoin Tokens on CoinMarketCap and CryptoCompare.
  • 2019

  • Marketing of our Smart Contract through multinationals, SMEs and
    businesses so that you can makes purchases and carry out transactions
    through the EUROCOIN payment gateway using our Blockchain.

Eurocoinpay Team

Verified 31%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Chema Nieto
Facundo Martin
Herminio Fernández D...
CEO & Founder
Eugenio Andrés
Arquitecto de Software
Beatriz A. Ruiz
Ingeniera de Software
Marcelo Pignataro
Programador Ful-Stack
Gustavo Cerljenko
Gestión de Proyecto
Alberto Saavedra
Consultor Estratégico
John Gontier
Communication Manager
Peter Somweber
Estrategias de Expansión
Marisa De La Fuente
Business partner, founder & CFO
Rafa Cuadrado
Susana Higueras
Customer support

Former members

Aymar Celdrán
Facundo Martín
CTO Blockchain
Pol Victoria
Sales manager
Sebastian Nielsen
Full-stack programmer
José López
Full-stack programmer
Daniel Castellanos
Full-stack programmer
Rafael Martínez
Alberto Zapata
Graphic designer
Javier Robles
Technology & systems
María Del Mar Turiel

Eurocoinpay Interviews

Facundo Martin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role at Eurocoinpay is Technological Coordinator in the field of Blockchain, an innovative and exciting project, of which I am honored to be a part.
Our vision and mission, which is to offer much more than an ecosystem.
What do you think about idea?
Eurocoinpay combines the most innovative technology and brings it to everyday life.

Eurocoinpay integrates Big Data, Tangle, Blockchain, being our unique proposal in the market ... our solutions provide speed and very low costs, with practical purposes in daily life, betting on the paradigm shift in these times.
John Gontier
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Communications Manager. Working on bringing Cryptos from Cloud to Street
Rafa Cuadrado
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
We are characterised by being the first platform on the market that, thanks to the fusion of two great technologies, Ethereum (ERC20) and IOTA (Tangle), allows the final user not only to be able to pay with the currency of their choice, but also allows the commercial recipient to determine in which currency they receive the money, whether crypto or FIAT money (EUR with no fluctuation). All that with no waiting for confirmation from mines and without the transaction costs involved.
Susana Higueras
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Atención al Cliente. Mi labor es ayudar a resolver las dudas que puedan tener acerca de nuestro proyecto y sobre la plataforma. Estamos a su disposición por vía email, chat y telefónicamente.
What do you think about idea?
Somos una empresa que quiere dar usabilidad a las criptomonedas en nuestra vida cotidiana, con una pasarela de pagos que combina moneda FIAT y criptomonedas.

Eurocoinpay Last News

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  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
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