Earn Network

Earn Network

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Liquid marketplace for yield earning opportunities. Earn Network provides smart contract infrastructure to connect liquidity providers & pool creators in a completely non-custodial manner.
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About Earn Network

Our aim is to make investment opportunities accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or economic status. We are committed to democratizing these services by providing affordable, convenient and secure products that enable individuals and businesses to take full control of their financial opportunities.

The current centralized TradeFi and traditional investment platforms fail to harness the immense value that arises from the DeFi ecosystem and other emerging opportunities. This limitation hampers the ability to capture billions of dollars in potential value, thereby depriving investors of lucrative returns and impeding the growth of decentralized finance.

Consequently, there is a pressing need to develop innovative solutions that bridge the gap between traditional investment models and the expansive possibilities offered by the DeFi ecosystem, enabling investors to fully capitalize on the emerging value and fostering a more inclusive and dynamic financial landscape.

With the advent of blockchain technology, a fairer and more transparent ecosystem is waiting. We want to be an invisible force that demonstrates the positive values of Web 3.0 investments.

By connecting global communities together, we aim to help millions to generate billions in economic output. As a result, everyone will have the chance to improve their financial well-being and shape a better future for themselves and their families.

Technology has transformed nearly all sectors of our lives. Yet only with the advent of blockchain technology did the long standing monolithic financial sector become ready for a disruption. Hundreds of DeFi protocols demonstrated various use-cases where non-custodial solutions proved superior to already existing TradeFi services.

Imagine the world, in which more and more technologically savvy people are able to directly transact on a truly open, global, financial marketplace; by borrowing, lending, earning interest, creating simple and advanced financial products to bring value for themselves and to the world. By removing all middle-men, providing easy-to-use solutions & connecting large communities, we're able to save billions of dollars on extra costs & speed up the efficiency of capital allocation. The global economic output could be increased substantially when all those pain points are removed on a large scale.

One of the best forms of connecting multiple participants together are marketplaces. Countless examples across many sectors (Alibaba in manufacturing, G2A.com in gaming, Zalando in fashion, OpenSea in NFTs...) thrive by providing a bespoke venue to transact. The Earn Network set a goal to create a leading financial investments marketplace. We want to create a renowned and successful marketplace that gives equal opportunities to every participant. A place where the investing experience on the Earn Network will be as enjoyable as shopping or gaming, where people will get excited by looking for their next investment opportunity.

Earn Network Roadmap

  • 2022

  • Q2
    Create a concept
    Create a prototype
    Create basic tokenomics
    Start whitepaper
    Start legal structure

    Finalize concept
    Start development
    Bootstrap the project with seed token sales
    Hire rest of the team to build MVP

    Start building a community around Earn Network
    Continue the development of major marketplace components
    Get first partners onboarded to launch DeFi Staking
  • 2023

  • Q1
    Launch Landing Page with all materials to be available online
    Launch all social media for Earn Network
    Launch Alpha version
    Launch first DeFi pool

    Launch Beta
    Scope Referall Program
    Integrate at least 3 blockchains
    Enable staking pool creation for any project
    Reach a minimum of 10 active pools
    Launch Referall Program
    Scope collateralised lending pools

    Implement EARN token utility on the platform
    Launch Lending category
    Reach a minimum of 1,000 stakers
    Reach a minimum of $1M in volumes
    Launch Token (Token TGE)
    Scope Native Restaking
    Scope Liquid Staking
    Support at least 10 chains

    Get listed on a major exchange(s)
    Deploy at least 3 lending pools from real world businesses
    Provide advanced tools for loan creation
    Launch Native Restaking
    Launch Liquid Staking
    Reach a minimum of $5M in volumes
    Reach aminimum of 2,000 stakers
  • 2024

  • Q1
    Implement a search engine to allow for easier exploration between offers
    Reach a minimum of $15M in volumes
    Reach a minimum of 3,500 stakers
    Support at least 200 active pools from multiple categories
    Reach at least 30,000 community members.

Earn Network Last News

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