Eagle AI

Eagle AI

Created using Figma
AI-powered Digital Asset Research & Analytics
We provide unparalleled insights and price predictions using machine learning and high-quality data inputs for digital assets.
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About Eagle AI

EagleAI provides a digital asset data feed integrated with AI tools designed to assist in making informed decisions. We are backed by data feed that also feeds to the London Stock Exchange Group providing data to several large trading platforms, institutions, stock exchanges and hedge funds globally.

EagleAI gives you exclusive access to that same data feed in the form of telegram bots using AI to identify possible profitable trades in the current crypto-sphere and allow regular non institutional users to make those trades direct from the bot.

Vision for the Eagle AI Bot

The Eagle AI Bot aims to revolutionize market analysis and decision-making through cutting-edge AI technologies providing a comprehensive user-friendly and highly accurate prediction tool for various markets.

Eagle AI Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Jack Rockell
James Ratsma
Alan Ljungström-Caun...

Eagle AI Last News

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