Created using Figma
A Transparent Contribution Platform Backed by Premium Digital Assets on the Blockchain
Dec 1, 2017
Dec 30, 2017
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
3.8 K
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
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Registered Country
United States
Additional Details

About CTB

CONTRIB allows talented people to contribute with other professionals around a gamification format with a focus on building autonomous and smart digital entities. Members owning CTB’s tokens are able to participate in CONTRIB opportunities and create value in a flexible, rewarding, and challenging environment. Digital currency with DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) has been the missing layer in creating a truly value-focused, professional development of autonomous network of smart entities.

Our vision of building autonomous electronic corporations by providing specific functions and measurable utility value using a shared value contribution system gives the power to the value creators. A perfect fit for the blockchain and digital currency, CONTRIB members have a transparent platform specifically designed to utilize the world’s best premium domain names and create a sustainable and socially conscious business network.

CONTRIB is one of the world's most popular venture contribution platforms using gamification and is uniquely positioned in the marketplace. We are now able to unlock the value by leveraging digital currency with a distributed ownership ledger using our CTB Token. CONTRIB guarantees bottom floor values on the digital assets for member contributions that are LINKED using blockchain and a data-driven approach.

CTB Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Kareen Castaños
Lead Dev Stack Contributor
Maida​ ​barrientos L...
Contributor and Operations Manager
Chad​ ​folkening​ L
ead CONTRIBUTOR and architect consultant for CONTR...
Ronan​ ​lee
Lead Dev and Blockchain Contributor


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Ryan Pfenninger
Chief Technology Officer at 250o
Monte Cahn
President of RightOfTheDot
Derek Parham
Founder Google Apps For Business

CTB Last News

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