

Boutique Tech Sales Firm & Strategy Consultant, serving HighTech Ventures & Corporates

About w-source

W-SOURCE offers comprehensive capabilities and deep industry knowledge to help our corporate clients to access the latest innovation and our high-tech ventures fastest go to market for their overseas expansion.

Strategy & Business Development

Market Penetration & Expansion

We help you to define your business strategy and build you go to market plan. We deliver and execute your expansion strategies, focusing on overall positioning, key partnerships and organic PR. We focus on Asia and Europe and are proud ambassadors of the Israeli Tech.

Investment Banking

Smart Funding

We offer investment banking services to the projects and teams we strongly believe in.
Our services are subject to internal due diligence procedure. Our aim is to provide our carefully selected projects with smart funding and partnerships which will help them to develop and scale their business.

Sales, Account Management & Affiliation

Be Global Act Local

We act as affiliate to a number of tech companies and partners, handling their full sales cycle in Asia rom A to Z, including installation and technical support. 
We offer dedicated sales and account management for Asian sales managed from Hong Kong and shared services business development desk, generating the leads and building partnerships for our high-tech customers. Local representation and positioning.

Corporate Innovation & Tech Scouting

Be Ahead of the Curve

We are a team of corporate executives turned entrepreneurs. We are early adopters and tech addicts. We incubate various technologies, act as mentors and entrepreneurs in residence. We are providing extensive scouting services and access to innovation for corporates in Israel, Europe & Asia.