

Security for the Systems of Tomorrow | Be Digital. Be Secure.

About securosys

We are a technology company headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, and dedicated to securing data and communications. We design, produce and distribute hardware, software and services that protect and verify data and their transmission. Our products are built and developed in Switzerland alongside our vetted partners worldwide. We put great importance to our secure supply chain. As such, there are no possibilities for back doors. Securosys'​ product range is developed by our skilled experts and produced in collaboration with trustworthy partners. Important elements in our repertoire are our multifunctional digital key vaults, the Hardware Security Modules (HSM). All our products support international standards. They are suitable for all applications where sensitive data are transferred or stored. They protect amongst others the Swiss banking system. Our solutions fit perfectly into, for example, any kind of PKI environments, blockchain systems or other Fintech-based applications.