

Digital asset market makers building scalable, self-adaptive technologies to support efficient markets.

About Keyrock

We support the growth and adoption of the most groundbreaking technologies in the digital asset space. With the vision of creating fairer, more efficient capital markets, we deploy proprietary and highly scalable market making technologies.

Thinkers, Architects, Makers in a tokenized world.
We are Keyrock: meritocratic, value-driven and fiercely passionate about digital financial markets. Here visionary ideas materialize through disciplined, data-driven approaches and thoughtfully designed technology. And we have loads of fun in the process, too!


Back in 2016 we began to envision the impact of tokenization on capital markets of the future. We quickly understood what would be their critical need: liquidity. While many looked for short-term gains in a booming crypto market, we focused on a long-term vision: to gradually develop a self-adaptive trading technology that enables swift, secure and scalable liquidity solutions for tokenized markets.

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