

Unlock Your Organization's Full Potential With Science-Backed Workplace Analytics.

About Humanyze

At Humanyze we care about the employee experience. Founded in 2011, Humanyze is a world leader in understanding team dynamics and work patterns. With over 10 years of research into organization network analysis and behavioral science, led by leaders in the world of social physics and graduates of the MIT Media Lab, we help companies understand how work gets done. Humanyze counts with a global presence spanning the US, Europe, and Asia, and we are on a mission to improve the future of work.


Burt Hurlock
Chief Executive Officer
Ben Waber
President & Co-Founder
Taemie Kim
Chief Scientist & Co-Founder
Daniel Olguin
Chief Finance and Operations Officer & Co-Founder
Eugene Wong
Senior Vice President, Engineering
Benedetto A. Miele
Senior Vice President, Sales & Customer Success

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