Digital Government Development Agency

Digital Government Development Agency

The Digital Government Development Agency (Public Organization) or DGA is the main agency of the digital government system. It serves to promote and support the operations of government agencies and other agencies regarding the development of digital government by having the below vision and roles.

About Digital Government Development Agency


Enabling Agile Government


To develop, manage and provide digital technology infrastructure and basic service systems or applications related to digital government
To formulate standards, guidelines, measures, criteria and methods for digital technology and operational processes, so that they are able to efficiently and consistently integrate information and working systems between agencies
To promote and support the integration and exchange of information between government agencies, the disclosure of government information through digital technology, and serve as the center for exchanging government digital databases to facilitate public services operations of government agencies
To promote and support government agencies to provide digital services to related parties
To develop comprehensive digital government services at the single point where citizens can access services conveniently, quickly and securely
To provide consultation for and support government agencies in managing digital technology projects, including promoting, supporting, providing academic services and offering training to enhance the skills, knowledge and competencies of government officials in the field of digital government
To study, research, innovate and promote and support academic work, research and innovation in digital government development
To support the operations of government agencies responsible for the budget allocation framework and annual budget integration related to digital government as well as support the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of work plans and national plans related to digital government
To take other actions to develop a digital government as stipulated by law or as assigned by the Cabinet

For the benefit of developing a digital government with a consistent approach or a single system, the agency may propose that the Cabinet pass a resolution requiring government agencies to support the DGA’s operations or work to jointly to develop the system with the DGA in accordance with the above.

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