Data, Simplified! Unleash the Power of Data with AI-Powered analytics Revolutionize business intelligence, uncover hidden insights, and make informed decisions with our cutting-edge AI-powered analytics engine


Founded in 2024, Debrief operates out of the United States and India, and specializes in a cutting-edge platform utilizing generative AI tailored for analytics and predictive modeling. This technology grants financial institutions a distinct competitive advantage, facilitating the generation of fresh revenue streams, the delivery of heightened client value, and the enhancement of overall productivity.

Our Mission

Democratizing AI: Bridging Access for All

Across the annals of human history, we've encountered three monumental revolutions, with the fourth currently underway. The Neolithic Revolution, ushering in the era of agriculture some 12,500 years ago, marked the genesis. Following suit was the Industrial Revolution, introducing mechanization and automation for intricate tasks. Then came the Digital Revolution, revolutionizing communication and information dissemination through technological intermediaries. Each of these epochs brought about seismic shifts in societal dynamics. Now, amidst the AI Revolution, we stand poised to tackle a plethora of challenges spanning various domains, from commerce to healthcare and beyond. However, the benefits of AI have predominantly accrued to organizations with the means to sustain specialized teams in data science and machine learning. Debrief endeavors to democratize access to advanced AI capabilities, previously monopolized by corporate giants and well-funded research institutions. Our impetus springs from the conviction that AI represents the future, a future that should be accessible to all.