Coin Iran

Coin Iran

Bitcoin & Blockchain Technology News Platform.

About Coin Iran

CoinIran is the First & most popular Farsi news website about blockchain technology and the related platforms. By publishing the first article with the title of “What is bitcoin?” Coiniran team officially started the website in January 2014 aiming to educate and give advice to Iranian audience interested in the technology and communities around cryptocurrencies. To summarize, Coiniran’s mission is providing an educational sphere for the proper use of the technology leading to more prosperity for the society as a whole.In 2016, an expert team in Blockchain technology took on the management of the website. Coiniran’s activities are set by team members in a collective decision making process.

Coiniran’s services goes as follows:Covering news and the last developments about blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.Creating media content about the technology in the form of text, podcast and video.Introducing and cooperating with promising international platforms about the blockchain. Running educational courses for interested audiences and providing investors and companies a private consultation.Building various communities in social media and constant contact with our audiences.Connecting and introducing experts in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology to companies who need them in their projects and aim to step in the blockchain world.Giving advice and helping Farsi speaking startups.

We are pleased to announce that Coiniran has succeeded in creating a network of experts in fin-tech and blockchain technology.

Currently, Coiniran is the greatest and most popular Farsi news website about blockchian technology and cryptocurrencies.