

BecomingX Education equips educators to deliver truly exceptional personal development and PSHE programmes. With a highly practical approach to learning and insights from the world's most inspiring people, our platforms help students build the skills, character and resilience needed to succeed.

About Becomingx

BecomingX was set up with one purpose. To create a world where everyone can realise their potential.

Despite being eternal optimists, we are worried. We are worried that many people believe that ‘success’ is about how much money you make, the car you drive or how many likes you get on social media. We are worried that ‘talent’ is seen as some mythical genetic force possessed by the few, rather than the product of determination, hard work and experience. We are worried that our education systems are not adequately preparing young people for the future. Most of all, we are worried that most people do not realise what they are really capable of achieving.

So we've set out to change that. By combining our deep understanding of high performance with the stories and insights from the world's most inspiring and iconic people, we aim to help people understand what it takes to succeed, to raise their aspirations and to build the skills and confidence to realise their potential.


Paul Gurney
Founder & CEO
Bear Grylls