

Created using Figma
Our Token, built on the Ethereum blockchain, is designed with fairness and security in mind. We've implemented anti-whale measures and a transaction fee system to ensure that all holders get the most value out of their tokens. With these measures, we promote a balanced and equitable ecosystem for everyone involved.
14 Days
Jun 2, 2023
Jun 16, 2023
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Goal 100 000.00 USD
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
Liquidity Pools and Rewards: Project has allocate a portion of the token supply to liquidity pools, which provide liquidity on decentralized exchanges. Users who contribute to these pools receive tokens as incentives or rewards for providing liquidity to the project's ecosystem.
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Company Details
Registered Company Name
Takaya Nakamoto NV
Registered Country
Sint Maarten
Company Founded
Jan 3, 2023
Additional Details

About ChinolaToken

ChinolaToken is an ERC20 token, powered by the solidity programming language. We take advantage of the OpenZeppelin's secure and audited contracts to provide our token with the ERC20 standard features, anti-reentrancy security measures, and a way to safely own and transfer the contract ownership.

We prioritize your security, Our smart contracts undergo rigorous audits and follow industry best practices, ensuring the utmost integrity and protection of your investments. With advanced encryption mechanisms, your transactions are safeguarded, allowing you to explore decentralized finance with peace of mind.

Transparency is our commitment. Our blockchain technology provides real-time visibility into token supply and transaction history, offering complete assurance and transparency.

The ChinolaToken (CHNT) opens doors to exciting opportunities. As a deflationary token, each transaction reduces the token supply, potentially increasing its value. Transaction fees fuel continuous growth, ensuring a sustainable ecosystem.

Join us on this transformative journey towards financial freedom. Embrace ChinolaToken, where security meets limitless possibilities in decentralized finance.


ChinolaToken's core features include:

  1. Deflationary Tokenomics: With each transaction involving ChinolaToken, a percentage of tokens is burned and permanently removed from circulation. This burning mechanism reduces the total supply over time, potentially increasing the value of the remaining tokens.

  2. Fee Transfers: ChinolaToken implements a fee percentage that is transferred to a designated fee address with each transaction. This fee can be customized by the project owner and serves as a revenue stream for the ecosystem.

  3. Customization and Flexibility: The project offers a high level of customization, allowing project owners to adjust parameters such as the burn percentage, fee structure, and holding limits. This flexibility enables projects to align with their specific objectives and optimize their token economy.

  4. Holding Limits and Uniswap Integration: ChinolaToken provides the option to set holding limits, restricting the maximum and minimum amount of tokens that users can hold. Additionally, it integrates with Uniswap V2, a popular decentralized exchange, facilitating seamless trading and liquidity provision.

  5. Community Governance: ChinolaToken incorporates community-driven governance, giving token holders a voice in decision-making processes. This inclusive approach fosters transparency, decentralization, and active participation within the ecosystem.

Technical Info

ChinolaToken is an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain, utilizing smart contracts to enable its functionality. Here are some key technical details about ChinolaToken:

  • Smart Contract: ChinolaToken's smart contract is implemented in Solidity, a programming language specifically designed for Ethereum smart contracts. The smart contract contains the token logic, including functions for token transfers, burning, fee transfers, and governance.

  • Token Standard: ChinolaToken adheres to the ERC-20 token standard, which ensures compatibility and interoperability with other tokens and decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum network. This standard defines a set of rules and functions that ERC-20 tokens must follow.

  • Token Name and Symbol: ChinolaToken is identified by the name "ChinolaToken" and the symbol "CHNT". These identifiers provide a recognizable representation of the token within the Ethereum ecosystem.

  • Total Supply: The total supply of ChinolaToken is set to 21 trillion tokens. This predetermined quantity defines the maximum number of tokens that will ever exist.

  • Decimals: ChinolaToken employs 18 decimal places, which allows for high granularity in token balances and transfers. The decimals determine the divisibility of the token, with 18 decimal places representing the same divisibility as Ether (ETH).

  • Ownership and Control: The Ownable contract from the OpenZeppelin library is utilized in ChinolaToken's smart contract to enforce ownership and access control. The contract owner has certain privileges, such as setting burn percentages, fee percentages, fee addresses, and other parameters.

  • Integration with OpenZeppelin: ChinolaToken leverages the OpenZeppelin library, a widely used framework for building secure and audited smart contracts on Ethereum. This integration ensures the implementation of industry best practices and enhances the security and reliability of the token contract.

ChinolaToken Roadmap

  • The Road Map

  • ChinolaToken Roadmap:

    Q3 2023 - Proof of Concept (PoC):

    Develop and showcase a working Proof of Concept to demonstrate the core features and functionalities of ChinolaToken.
    Conduct internal testing and gather feedback to refine the token's mechanics and ensure its stability.
    Q4 2023 - MVP Launch:

    Release the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of ChinolaToken.
    Enable token transfers, burning, fee transfers, and basic governance functionality.
    Establish partnerships with initial liquidity providers and exchanges for token listing.
    Q1 2024 - Community Building and Marketing:

    Focus on community building and expand the user base of ChinolaToken.
    Implement marketing strategies to increase awareness and adoption of the token.
    Engage with influencers, crypto communities, and social media platforms to promote ChinolaToken.
    Q2 2024 - Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Integration:

    Integrate with prominent DeFi platforms to enable staking, yield farming, and liquidity provision for ChinolaToken.
    Explore partnerships with existing DeFi projects to create synergies and expand the token's utility within the DeFi ecosystem.
    Q3 2024 - Meme Marketplace Launch:

    Introduce a dedicated marketplace for trading and exchanging meme-related digital assets using ChinolaToken.
    Enable creators and collectors to showcase and monetize their meme creations within the marketplace.
    Q4 2024 - Decentralized Finance Exchange:

    Develop and launch a decentralized exchange (DEX) powered by ChinolaToken, allowing users to trade various cryptocurrencies in a secure and transparent manner.
    Beyond 2024 - Crypto Launchpad and Future Surprises:

    Explore the development of a crypto launchpad to support innovative blockchain projects and token launches.
    Continuously innovate and introduce new features, functionalities, and partnerships to enhance the ecosystem and provide value to ChinolaToken holders.

ChinolaToken Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Franco Blanco
Founder / All in One

ChinolaToken Last News

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