CASI coin

CASI coin

Created using Figma
Peer-to-Peer Transactions - Borderless Payments - Fully Protection - Secure Wallet - Unique concept
Warning it May Be a Scam
To be announced
Additional Details
Platform, Casino & Gambling

About CASI coin

Winning on the Blockchain made easy

Ca$i Coin is a digital currency, designed specifically for the online gaming industry and utilises the latest in blockchain technology to deliver a truly fair gaming platform

Using decentralized technology and cryptographically verifiable code, the future of fair online gambling has just begun. The whole process is completely transparent and auditable. Without the possibility for fraud, and therefore without the need for the trusted third party, which has traditionally been played by legally empoweredRegulatory body, simplifying the whole process. Casicoin Club is the real time online gambling platform that uses instant hardware driven distributed random numbers delivered via theBlockchain, it provides complete transparency and security of the gaming process.

CASI coin Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Marthi Joachim
Arthur Moskevyc
Marteus Abraham
Phina Ozuka
Julyan Ceperez

CASI coin Last News

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