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Gameplay-first Play to Own MMORPG.
Join the CapyMagi Free NFT Mint. It is a proof of your early participation in the CapyMagi ecosystem. Owning the CapyMagi NFT gives you a chance to join the game early access, participate in airdrops and more!
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About CapyMagi.World


CapyMagi is a Web3 open world MMORPG with amazing non-trivial gameplay. Our main focus is to build a real game economy driven by the players and provide captivating game content.

Battle, farm, trade, explore the world and receive points to get a place in season leaderboards!

Feel the real power of Play-to-Own with CapyMagi. Convert your time into an unforgettable gaming experience and tradable NFTs (resources, tools, skins and playable characters).


Healthy game economy

Creating a healthy economy is an important challenge. To achieve this we create various game loops and mechanics. Balanced Sources (give players loot/coins) and Sinks (ways for users to spend loot/coins).

Avoiding PAY-TO-WIN

It’ impossible to achieve balance if someone buys a sword for $1,000,000 which is way too powerful than any other weapon. All game skins are only to customize the appearance of the character and equipment.

Everything has a value

All resources have a value, as they must be gathered first. After this step you can craft and utilize them. All these actions require time, special tools, skills, energy and tool wear.

Seasons & Leaderboards

This system helps to keep healthy project economy. It increases interest to the game, since seasonality includes a reward system for users from leaderboards. Funds received from the season collaborations or partnerships will be used as rewards.

Rewards for players, stakers and holders

Since it’s a crypto project we clearly understand the big interest from a non-gaming audience. So we provide the ability for users to stake their tokens and receive rewards. An airdrop system is also in place.

GamePlay is a top priority

Existing P2E games are terribly boring. They are more about crypto than about real and intersting gameplay. This reduces the interest in the game and steals the chance for a mass P2E gaming adoption.

CapyMagi.World Roadmap

  • Q3, 2022

  • Market research

    Initial idea

    Initial game design

    Economy model concept
  • Q4, 2022

  • Infra planning

    Branding & Design

    Seed round

    Website launch

    Team Doxxed

    Social Media Marketing

    WhiteList Free Mint

    Public Free Mint
  • Q1, 2023

  • Press Releases

    Presale Contract Audits


    Massive Marketing

    NFT Mint Whitelist

    Token Staking

    Game Characters Mint
  • Q2, 2023

  • Land Presale

    Loot Cases Presale

    Testnet Early Access

    Airdrops & Retrodrops
  • Read More
  • Q3, 2023

  • Mainnet Release

    Browser version

    Android release

    IOS release

    First Season and Leaderboard rewards

    Integrations with other metaverses

CapyMagi.World Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Dmitrii Kapeliushnyi
Daniel Nazarenko
Marketing Lead
Demid Andrijauskas
Game Dev

CapyMagi.World Last News

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