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BullChain Network is the future of smart contracts platform for multichain. The network supports the building of dApps with EVM and WASM smart contracts and offers developers true interoperability, with cross-consensus.. We are made by developers and for developers. BullChain unique Build2Earn model empowers developers to get paid through a dApp staking mechanism for the code they write and dApps they build.
7 days
Mar 18, 2023
Mar 25, 2023
100% completed
$100 000
100% cap completed
Goal 100 000.00 USD
Cap 100 000.00 USD
  • 1 BCAI
    1 USD
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
20% private sale
29% pre sale
51% liquidity
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Company Details
Registered Company Name
Registered Country
United States
Company Founded
Mar 1, 2023
Additional Details
Binance Smart Chain
Yes , from Mar 18, 2023 till Mar 25, 2023

About BullChainAI

BullChain Network focuses on making the best smart contract platform so that dApps developers on BSC do not need to pay much attention to infrastructure and can focus more on their dApp. Ideally, the developers can build whatever applications on BullChain Network without having to consider its scalability. BullChain Network solves prominent issues: scalability, interoperability and lack of developer incentive. Scalability​ Blockchains do not scale by design because of the decentralized consensus mechanism. TPS (Transaction Per Second) is much smaller than a centralized database and there is an upper limit of data that can be stored in every block. Therefore, users across the network may notice their transactions sit unconfirmed or pending for long periods of time, creating a poor user experience. Scalability on the BullChain Network is addressing the followings topics: More Transaction Per Second (TPS) Cheaper transaction cost Faster finality Interoperability​ Many different blockchains exist but few have interoperability as a feature. To move "value" from Bitcoin to Ethereum, we need a centralized exchange. BSC is a sharded protocol that enables blockchain networks to operate together seamlessly.


BullChain Network is compatible with BSC. By connecting BullChain Network to Binance Smart Chain, we have true interoperability. Lack of Developer Incentive​ DApp developers are the most important human resource in the blockchain industry but they are paying a lot of costs to develop dApps or infrastructure projects. Has a #Build2Earn protocol that allows developers to earn basic income while making products.

Technical Info

Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) networks are decentralized networks that use the EVM to execute smart contracts and run decentralized applications (dApps). The most well-known EVM network is the Ethereum mainnet, which is the original and largest EVM network. The Ethereum mainnet is a public network that is open to anyone to use and is secured by a decentralized network of nodes. There are also other EVM networks that have been created, including private networks and testnets. Private networks are typically used for testing and development, and they can be configured to have different properties than the mainnet, such as faster block times or different consensus algorithms. Testnets are also used for testing and development, and they often have a different token than the mainnet, such as Ropsten for Ethereum. Additionally, there are other EVM compatible blockchain networks like Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polygon (previously Matic), and xDai which provide higher scalability and lower transaction fees than Ethereum mainnet. These networks are called Layer 2 solutions and they are built on top of Ethereum mainnet and are fully compatible with EVM, which allows developers to use their existing knowledge of Ethereum to build on these networks. In short, EVM networks are decentralized blockchain networks that utilize the Ethereum Virtual Machine to execute smart contracts and run decentralized applications. The most well-known is the Ethereum mainnet, but there are also private networks, testnets and other EVM compatible networks like Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, and xDai which provide additional scalability and lower fees. Block explorers Block explorers are the Google for searching on a blockchain. They give developers and users the possibility to search information such as balances, contracts, tokens, transactions, and API services. Provides two different kinds of explorers: one that combines Substrate and EVM, and another that is dedicated to our EVM ecosystem.

BullChainAI Roadmap

  • Launch project

  • Stage 1:
    Website Launch
    Telegram Launch
    Medium Launch
    Reddit Launch
    WhitePaper Release
    Community Development
    Stage 2:
    Crypto Marketing Campaign ​- Community Engagement
    Campaign Contract Creation - Contract Deployment
    Contract Verification
    Audit/KYC confirmation
    Ramp up Marketing
    Campaign for Fairlaunch Presale Marketing Stage 3:
    Launch Dextools
    Information Updated
    List on Coinmarketcap,
    List on Coingecko
    500+ Holders 1 million MC
    Youtube Campaign
    Twitter Campaign
    List on Cointiger Stage 4:
    2000+ Holders
    Crypto marketing Agency Partnerships
    Crypto Expo Partnerships
    Crypto Influencer Partnerships
    Community Voted
    Utility Released
    Exchanges Listings

BullChainAI Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team


BullChainAI Last News

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