Bizavest Analytics ICO

Bizavest Analytics ICO

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Last Update

May 30, 2018

Bizavest is an AI driven data analytics platform that aims to provide Business Intelligence that is affordable, effective, smart and secure, and as easy to use as a social media account.

Our system is driven by Artificial Intelligence coupled with natural skill and expertise of man. Our aim is to strike a sustainable and effective balance between man and machine, where they work together to provide true data that is at once effective, valuable and affordable.

Our mission is to create a platform where data and information for business intelligence, process and management is available for small to large corporations globally. The era of paying over the bar for information that will lead to business success and sustainability is over.

With Bizavest, we are launching the next generation project for getting useful data and insight at next to nothing.
ICO Phase II
Aug 13, 2018
Sep 10, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Goal 3 000 000.00 USD
Cap 15 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 BIZC
    0.4 USD
ICO Phase I
Jul 30, 2018
Aug 12, 2018
100% completed
$71 500
0% cap completed
Cap 15 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 BIZC
    0.25 USD
Jun 12, 2018
Jul 12, 2018
100% completed
$71 500
0% cap completed
Cap 15 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 BIZC
    0.15 USD
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details

About Bizavest Analytics ICO


The Decentralized Analytics and Business Intelligence Platform

Bizavest is a data analytics and business intelligence platform that allows business and startups get relevant and valuable intelligence for business wherever they are with the ease of using a social network. Thanks to decentralization and user-inclusion paradigm, it is now possible to develop a community dedicated to valuable and providing data across a Blockchain. 

At the core of its functionality, Bizavest is merely an intelligence gathering and insight generating system that provide businesses with high quality data, information and intelligence needed to gain a competitive edge attain sustainability and success.

Bizavest will be highly secured and designed to generate genuine data ranging from demographic, consumer preference information to climate data of a region or the number of individuals that are likely to use a service or even the mood of a particular area as it relates to a given product. The possibilities are endless! Users who supply this data will be rewarded for doing so on the platform


Our belief is that Technology and decentralization have advanced to the point where they can actually help businesses with excessively exorbitant costs. Our vision is to create, deploy and administer a platform where Business; small and large- can utilize the power of actionable business intelligence without the attendant costs and human or infrastructural capacities.  




Generally, the Bizavest Analytics Platform will be designed to serve three categories of users;

  • The Clients or Customers
  • The Community or Data Feeders
  • The Consultants or Experts

Once a client has successfully carried the first three of the above steps accurately, the Bizavest System as a whole will generate a service confirmation which will include important information like;

  • Duration till Service completion;
  • Nature and extent of service offering;
  • Forecasted data quality based on complexity of acquiring data; and
  • Terms, conditions and deliverables of service
  • Cost of the service in Bizacoin



  • High-speed

Bizavest gives potential investors and business owners valuable insights and advice in quick-time. The result you need may be seconds away, minutes away or hours away. In comparison with the traditional method, it is a lot faster.

  • Secure

With the high level of security possessed by Ethereum, you can be very certain that the privacy and security of your data is in safe hands. We understand the concerns around today regarding the privacy and security of data provided on the cloud or over the internet and we have taken steps to ensure that all is done to ensure security and confidentiality of user data.

  • Intelligent

Our system at full deployment will be cognitive and highly intelligent. It will serve to provide businesses with high quality data information ranging from
demographic and consumer preference information in order to ease business decision making.

  • Easy-to-use

You do not need to be a data analyst to understand the result as the results are generated in consideration that the community is filled with different professionals and personality. More interestingly, the Bizavest front-end is actually a social media platform!!!

  • Affordable

This is one of our unique selling advantage. We realise that the current high cost of providing business intelligence is a great disadvantage in the present system of business analytics and Bizavest comes at a very low fee with a high quality of detailed analysis and advice.

  • Effective

Bizavest brings the best available data and advices from experts to individuals and startups. It affords the microscale businesses the tools to start up their businesses successfully with minimum risk of failure. It is low-cost (based on the wealth of information that will be acquired), reliable (solutions from experts who have been in the same business fields for years), uncomplicated (the result is made easy to understand) and fast (the results are gotten really fast unlike the conventional method).

Technical Info

The entirety of the Bizavest Platform will be based on three different applications or technologies at full deployment. These technologies are being built in such a way that they function with each other integrally where one cannot perform its optimal function with the others and so on. What follows is a descriptive overview of the nature and functions of the core applications of Bizavest.


  • SurvStream is a web/mobile application designed to interact with all three categories of users on the Bizavest Platform.
  • It essentially functions as a social media platform with integrated AI capabilites
  • The core function of the SurvStream app is to collect and feed data/information to and from users of the Bizavest platforms based on their specific needs or roles
  • Imagine being able to get relevant, accurate and verifiable data directly from the people who you need it from without having to spend a great deal of money or having to go through many red tapes; this is what SurvStream will offer.


  • Dacomian is an Artificial Intelligence machine with the core function of coordinating the collection and analyzing of data to and from the SurvStream interface.
  • The Dacomain will be made to function optimally through the use of an AI-Human driven system where analytics and insight generation is provided by AI and actual consulting is provided by human ‘experts’.
  •  Imagine a decentralized system where regular Joes with years of experience can provide hands on expert advice on analyzed and simplified data.


  • Bizacoin is a standard ERC20 Token; a self-managing peer-to-peer data driven cryptocurrency built on the Ethereum Network; an open-source blockchain platform.
  • Bizacoin Token is an electronic currency similar to Ether in that it is a store of financial value.
  • The token will forms the backing for financial transactions for acquiring data and getting paid for providing data over the Bizavest Platform. Bizacoin is intended to have a one-time limited supply of 100,000,000 Tokens. These tokens will form the basis of transaction on the Bizavest Platform.

Bizavest Analytics ICO Roadmap

  • 2017 November

  • Announment/Launch.
    Token Generation Event.
  • 2018 January

  • Website Launch.
    Pre-Sale I Started.
    White paper V 1.0 Release.
  • 2018 February

  • Listing Bizacoin on exchanges.
  • 2018 February

  • Main ICO Event.
    Listing Bizacoin on exchanges.
  • Read More
  • 2018 April

  • Whitepaper Version 1.1.
  • 2018 May

  • Pre-sale II Resumes
  • June 2019

  • Launch of Bizavest Alpha

  • 2019- August

  • ICO
  • 2018- December

  • Bizachain Development
  • Q1 2019

  • Third-party Integrations and Partnership Agreement.
  • Q2 2019

  • Final User Testing.
  • Q3 2019

  • Full Service Launch.

Bizavest Analytics ICO Team

Verified 90%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team


$71 500

Rasheed Bello
Chief Strategist/Co-founder/Big Data Analyst
Wahab Bello
Lead Content Dev.
Olaoluwa Paul
Strategy and Partnerships
Akinbowale Akinwunmi
Jesse Essang
Head of Software Development & Full Stack Software...
Godswill Umukoro
Full Stack Web Developer
Lateeph Ibiyeye
E-Commerce Business Manager
Peter Adim
Full Stack Web Developer & Graphics Designer
Shylia Ward
Community Manager/ Crypto-enthusiast/ Theater Art...
Wahyu Djadmika
Community Manager/ Crypto-enthusiast/ Auditor


Verified 50%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Yusuf Olatunji Amoo
Technological advisory

10 ICOs

$21 081 331

Filip Poutintsev
Gbenga Jayeoba


$297 025

Adrian Sernero

Former members

Akinshola Akinde
Head of Software Development/ Full-Stack Software...

Bizavest Analytics ICO Interviews

As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Rasheed Bello is trained and experienced data analyst and business consultant with a track record of 7 years in business consulting and 9 years as an analyst. He has consulted for and partnered on many start-ups and is currently the founder and Chief Strategist of the Bizavest Analytics Platform.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the lead content developer and can boldly state that Bizavest is a breakthrough in the world of analytics
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I work in the area of strategy and partnership, As a member of the team i come up with ideas to help reach our desired goal as an organisation and make Bizavest a top force in the Analytics and Business development world.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the Cryptoeconomist of this Coin. It is a great privilege for me
Jesse Essang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the lead developer for the Bizavest Platform and I can honestly say it's the most exciting project I've worked on in a really long time and it definitely has a bright future.
Godswill Umukoro
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am a full stack Web Developer with an eye for detail and creativity.
Peter Adim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am a full stack developer, responsible for the front end platform.
I believe bizavest is an effective analytics platform.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Community Manager
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
More than 10 years experience as Auditor and currently Community Manager of The Bizavest Analytics Platform.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a founding partner and business development consultant in over 10 tech startups across 7 years my experience lies in the area ofShowcasing Business Development, Technology Management, Brand Development and creative design thinking.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Helping the team for a succesful ICO through Marketing and promotion strategy. Bizavest is a data analytics and business intelligence platform designed to provide decision making and market driven information and services to small and large business over a decentralized network. Bizavest will be the game changer on this industry.

Bizavest Analytics ICO Last News

5.0 9
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team
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