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The world's hottest Multi-Tenant DApp for betting on ALL your favorite cryptocurrencies.
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Cayman Islands
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Platform, Cryptocurrency, Casino & Gambling, Smart Contract

About BEETon

BEETon is a decentralized, multi-tenant gambling platform running on Ethereum blockchain and Smart Contracts technology. It enables users to bet on the rise or fall of prices of various Cryptocurrencies in the form of a “race”. BEETon users will place wagers which directly compete with bets placed by other players. Users of the BEETon multi-tenant platform can bet on the rise and fall of Cryptocurrency prices or become “Booth Owners”, where they can manage their own microsite and create races for bettors. BEETon also allows Booth Owners the opportunity to create exclusive races where bettors would be whitelisted by the race creator. While the betting industry is beleaguered by multiple problems such as lack of transparency, skewed odds, high fees and low returns, BEETon leverages the blockchain technology to ensure the safest, most transparent betting experience. Players place bets using ETH and the funds are protected by Smart Contracts which automatically distribute winnings based on bet conditions and outcomes. Payouts depend on two factors; how many people placed a wager on the race and how many people picked the winning coin. The entire process is fully decentralized, secure and self-regulating. BEETon gives everybody the opportunity to have a microsite on the platform. A Booth Owner both creates races and sets rules, like making a race exclusive, setting minimum betting amount, or determining how many coins take part in the race. Booth Owners have a dedicated landing page to host their own races. For every completed and successful race created, the Booth Owners gets a percentage takeout for the total winnings. These dedicated landing pages enable Booth Owners to host and promote their races on their favorite social platforms, which will drive users to their microsite and place bets on their races.

BEETon Roadmap

  • Q4-Q1 2018

  • Concept and Team Building, Product Development.
  • Q2 2018

  • Beta Release and testing. Smart Contract bug.Bounty.
  • June 2018

  • Crowdsale announcement, Public Testing, Booth Landing Page. Development begins.
  • Q3 2018

  • Crowdsale,Localization, UI Enhancement, BEETon Launch, Exchange listing.
  • Read More
  • Q4 2018

  • The launch of an advertising campaign, Booth Landing Page Dev begins Mobile App Dev begins.
  • Q1 2019

  • Mobile App Dev continues, Booth Landing Page continues, Adding More bets Options.

BEETon Last News

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