Baobab ICO

Baobab ICO

Created using Figma
The Baobab Market will soon be a thriving eCommerce platform, connecting dropshippers, online retailers, private sellers, and customers globally. Our goal is to provide a uncomplicated, easy-to-use, free platform (with the lowest fees), for sellers to build their stores on and for customers to interact with. Our solution avoids the pitfalls of other existing decentralized markets such as OpenBazaar or Bitbay by providing a traditional server hosted, web accessible PaaS that can be installed on anything by anyone. No specialized client required, no data stored on the blockchain, no clunky peer networking.
Aug 28, 2017
Oct 7, 2017
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data

Baobab ICO Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team


$47 275

Kristopher Ruzic
CEO and Blockchain Developer
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