Ammut Network

Ammut Network

Created using Figma

Last Update

Mar 22, 2019

The AMMUT Ecosystem is built, designed and equipped to solve tasks that require high computing power such as deep learning, mining, scientific calculations, CGI rendering, 3d rendering and it’s made of several components: AmCU (Ammut Computing Unit), a low-cost hardware platform, specialized in the execution of tasks that require high computing power and designed to specifically and significantly improve on all pre-existing models in terms of profitability and longevity and the Ammut network, made up of all the AmCU devices connected to the network. AmCU takes tasks from the network, based on the earning coefficient that was initially set by the user, sends the results to the Ammut Network, and then it receives the reward based on the earning coefficient and the time spent to solve the task.
3 months
Mar 1, 2019
Jun 1, 2019
100% completed
$4 000 000
16% cap completed
Goal 28 000 000.00 USD
Cap 24 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 XAMM
    0.13 USD
Token Details
Total supply
300.000.000 XAMM
Token Distribution
Tokens sold in ICO: 180.000.000 (60%)
Private Sale: 30.000.000 XAMM for 4.000.000 USD (10%),
Team: 60.000.000 XAMM (20%),
Advisors 15.000.000 XAMM (5%),
Reward programs 15.000.000 XAMM (5%)
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Company Name
Registered Country
United Kingdom
Company Founded
Mar 2, 2019
Bonus Structure
First stage, 60.000.000 XAMM - 1000 XAMM/ETH with 10% bonus

Second stage: 60.000.000 XAMM - 1000 XAMM/ETH with 5% bonus

Third Stage: 60.000.000 XAMM - 1000 XAMM/ETH with no bonus
Additional Details

About Ammut Network

The AMMUT solution being pushed out by the platform is designed to provide a holistic model that answers to a wide range of technologies. Specifically, this means the AMMUT platform can be used to solve more problems that require high computing power such as deep learning, mining, scientific calculations, CGI rendering, 3d rendering.

The AMMUT Ecosystem is built, designed and equipped to solve tasks that require high computing power such as deep learning, mining, scientific calculations, CGI rendering, 3d rendering and it’s made of several components:


 AmCU (Ammut Computing Unit) is a low-cost hardware platform, specialized in the execution of tasks that require high computing power. 


 The Ammut network is made up of all the AmCU devices connected to the network. AmCU takes tasks from the network, based on the earning coefficient that was initially set by the user.


 XAMM is the native token of the AMMUT Ecosystem. It’s used to perform basic transactions within the AMMUT Community such as payments and exchange of value with fiat and other cryptos


 The client side of the Ammut software can be used to create tasks that will be sent to the Ammut Network. The software handles the conversion of the tasks into suiting instructions that can be used inside the network.


The Ammut network allows users to organize in sidechains in order to solve different tasks. For example, a team of doctors that need computing power to render a project: this team can convince a certain number of AmCU users to donate their power so that it can be used strictly for that task. Therefore, with the AmCU interface, users can temporarily direct their computing power to a pool. All of these operations can be administered through a smart contract for a seamless and secure experience.

Technical Info

The client side of the Ammut software can be used to create tasks that will be sent to the Ammut Network. When a task is created, based on the available data in the Ammut Network, and based on the task difficulty, the price to complete the task will be calculated. After the task is sent to the network, the progress can be monitored. There is the possibility to create a new sidechain that can be used for that specific task. The minimum stake required to create a sidechain is 10,000 XAMM. After the task is finished or canceled the remaining coins can be withdrawn. Access to the sidechain can be made through authentication. The software handles the conversion of the tasks into suiting instructions that can be used inside the network.

Ammut Network Roadmap

  • Q3 2019

  • Exchange listings (or as soon as the ICO ends) and token burn.
  • Q4 2019

  • Buying a warehouse and the needed equipment.
    Establishing business partnerships with suppliers.
    Expanding the team and hiring personnel
  • Q1 2020

  • Research and Development.
    Testing and improving AmCU.
    Launching testnet using in-house AmCU devices.
    5% Token Buyback and Burn
  • Q2 2020

  • Launching Mainnet and software beta for feedback.
    Start of production of AmCU devices.
    The launch of the mobile app used to monitor and control AmCU.
  • Read More
  • Q3 2020

  • Producing AmCU for users.
    Releasing a non-beta version of the software.
  • Q1 2021

  • 5% Buyback and Burn

Ammut Network Team

Verified 100%

Charlie Blake
Project Manager
Melissa Alexander
Software Developer
Brian Ferguson
Hardware Architect


Verified 67%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team


$4 000 000

Frederik Lund
Legal Advisor


$4 067 000

Andy Veiss
ICO advisor

59 ICOs

$187 043 668

Naveen Kapoor
Blockchain advisor

Ammut Network Interviews

Frederik Lund
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I have a deep understanding of tokenomics and how to adapt great business ideas to the blockchain. In this project I have contributed with tokenomics and the structure of the ICO.
What do you think about idea?
The idea is great. There is obviously a need for High Performance Computing outside of governments and big enterprises. Based on the blockchain the service becomes aksessible to everyone at a fraction of the normal cost.

The Ammut case is a typical example of why blockchain is a disruptive technology. It is not very difficult to understand that when a needed service can be offered in a way that is more cost efficient and more transparent than before, there is a great market potential.
Andy Veiss
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As an advisor of this project I will give best of my knowledge to ensure we reach all of our goals and customer expectations.
What do you think about idea?
Ammut network idea is one of its kind at the moment and it makes it so unique. Surely we have great idea and amazing people behind it , what else does it takes for success?
Charlie Blake
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As an experienced strategist and a strong business development professional, I think I possess a combination of skills and experience that will make Ammut Network stand out from the crowd. As a Project Manager at Ammut Network, me and my team can do the work and deliver exceptional results.
What do you think about idea?
Given the fact that I came up with the idea, it means that I think is a good one. Why? I think the Ammut Network is the solution that will disrupt the high-performance computing market. It will offer a great number of features and competitive prices.
Melissa Alexander
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As an experienced programmer and blockchain enthusiast, I think my role as a software developer in the Ammut Network is very important. With my expertise, I can coordinate the software development team and develop and optimize the best software for the AmCU so the device can perform mathematical computations on user inputs.
What do you think about idea?
When Charlie first presented the idea I was a little skeptical. I already knew the SONM Project and I thought that we're just copying them. Then it hit me "There are so many things you can do with high-performance computing, why limit it just to rendering, machine learning and mining?". Brian was on board with the project so we knew that we can create a device that process better than a GPU these kinds of tasks.
I really think that the Ammut Ecosystem is going to rival with big names in the high computing power industry and the users are going to pay for what they use.
Brian Ferguson
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role in the team is to develop and supervize the development of a new hardware device that will handle tasks sent by our platform users with remarkable speed.
What do you think about idea?
Looking at blockchain we can see that there are a lot of coins and tokens. Most do nothing. Our project is achievable, it offers real use cases in blockchain and also has importance in the future.

Ammut Network Last News

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