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Zone is the first gamefi ecosystem on the Algorand blockchain that combines on-chain gaming challenges, yield farming and NFTs to create a free-to-play and play-to-earn ecosystem.
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Über Zone

ZONE is a cross-chain gamefi ecosystem built on Algorand and the BNB chain that features a diverse range of gaming genres, including casual and hypercasual games, fantasy football and cricket, AAA Esports and a massive crypto gift card marketplace.

The platform has a variety of gaming modes like team battles, solo challenges, player-vs-player, and ladders, with different reward mechanisms.

In the Zone universe, the captivating game modes of Zone Team Battle and Zone Solo Challenge operate on the concept of rolling time pools.

This ingenious design ensures players can dive into the action instantly, as an ever-open game pool awaits.Participants contribute a modest participation fee upon entry, and the rewards are subsequently drawn from the cumulative pool fees. For those seeking another dimension of excitement, Free-To-Play pools beckon, offering potential prizes in select games and modes.

Zone Team Battle: Immerse in the multiplayer frenzy of Team Battle, a riveting Team vs Team tournament mode fostering collective competition. Triumphs are shared equally among team members in the aftermath of a victory. Multiple attempts grant players shots at amassing points, with only their pinnacle score contributing to the team's total. A team's aggregate score is the mean of each player's highest score within a specific pool. The pool accommodates multitudes, and its bounty burgeons dynamically as player engagement escalates.

Zone Solo Challenge: Embark on the solo adventure of the Solo Challenge, where players vie for supremacy atop the leaderboards. Elite achievers are rewarded varying portions of the pool prize contingent on their leaderboard rank.Players are granted multiple chances to accrue points, yet only their paramount score elevates their leaderboard standing. With boundless capacity, these challenges welcome myriad participants concurrently.

Zone Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Adi K Mishra
CEO , Zone
Kodiswaran B. Janard...
CTO , Zone


Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Sebastien Borget
John Linden
Joey Brander
Dr. Marwan Al Zaroun...

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