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ZEROSTATE ist eine emotionale Intelligenz, die von der Blockkette angetrieben wird und somit durch das emotionale Engagement eine effektive Lösung für das Kundenbindungsmanagement bietet.
Public TokenSale
100% abgeschlossen
$1 400 000
35% limit abgeschlossen
Ziel 20 000 000.00 USD
Limit 4 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 ZSC
    0.4 USD
100% abgeschlossen
$1 400 000
70% ziel abgeschlossen
Ziel 2 000 000.00 USD
Limit 4 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 ZSC
    0.4 USD
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
Weitere Details


Effektive Lösung für das Kundenbindungsmanagement durch emotionales Engagement. Tokenized Gefühle stellen Wissen über emotionale Bindungen und Verbindungen dar, die für die Beziehungen von zentraler Bedeutung sind.
Wir haben bereits eine technische Lösung implementiert, die Nutzer und Werbetreibende zum gegenseitigen Nutzen zusammenbringt. Sie können Anzeigen schalten und Impressionen, Klicks und Benutzerbewertungen für einen Bonus erhalten.


The apply of emotional intelligence

ZeroState is the first marketplace in the world, applying the emotional intelligence, which effective manage the customer loyalty through the emotional involvement.

The platform is based on emotional intelligence and provides an effective interaction between business and consumers, based on emotional bonds and attachments.

The path to customer loyalty goes through emotional engagement. If you think about the brand you buy it. The Japanese can do advertising that affects to the subconscious mind.

The emotional intelligence in the advertisement

The most striking examples of such effects can be taken from Japanese advertisement. It may contain nothing at all about the advertised product, except the image of product or brand. And the whole concept is aimed to create a connection between the strong emotions and product. And it works. It is the simplest of all connections: stimulus — reaction. The consumer at the deepest level of information is fixed that the joy, comfort, pleasure or friendship is associated with a very specific product. Among the examples we know are: Tefal takes care of us, L’oreal is the beauty, quality, status and pleasure which we worthy. Even the main efforts of SSM-promotion in social networks are focused on human emotions. In order to strengthen them are using the fashionable memes and bright images.

If you managed to cause the strong emotions in a person, light a spark in him or her and fascinate with your message, you will get an emotionally involved client. Such client is a grateful client. Thanks this there is a “word of mouth” that sells your product when you are resting.

The emotional intelligence is a door to success

The emotional intelligence (EQ) is the door to self — knowledge. The term, introduced by American researchers is studying the factors of success and uniting them in the concept of “emotional intelligence”. This term has used in business, because the development of emotional intelligence or emotional competence can significantly improve the efficiency of employees, owners and increase the profits.

To be realized in all the spheres of life, important for you, you need to have the communication skills and organization. Scientists say that our success depends on emotional intelligence (EQ) for 80% and only for 20% on relative intelligence (IQ). This is because the EQ components are directly responsible for decision-making, performance, and communication.

The basement of ZeroState is an application for reviews about anything in one word. This word has a sensual-emotional color or grade.

How does the Emotional intelligence work in ZeroState

The emotional intelligence (EQ) is what a person feels in relation to his environment, the feeling that arises in us before coming into mind and using social filters and evaluation of “good” and “bad”. These feelings person wants to share and discuss.

We are collecting all these feelings through our app and giving you the opportunity to share them, build a rating, use to gain knowledge about the product or service, as well as earning on them!

Technische Information

Das System mischt Fiat- und Token-Volkswirtschaften nahtlos miteinander, so dass ZSCoin zu günstigeren Konditionen für Siedlungen verwendet werden kann. Sobald die Anzahl der ZeroState-Benutzer ein bestimmtes Niveau erreicht (je nach Szenario etwa 4 Millionen +/- 500.000), wird ZSC zum einzigen Zahlungsmittel zwischen Werbetreibenden und Nutzern. Die Platzierung einer Anzeige und die Teilnahme an einer Kampagne wird durch Token vermittelt.

Der Preis von ZSCoin hängt direkt von der Anzahl der aktiven Nutzer und den laufenden Werbeaktionen ab. Je mehr Nutzer und Werbeaktionen es gibt, desto mehr ZSCoins werden zur Abwicklung auf dem Markt gekauft. Da die Anzahl der Token begrenzt ist und die Anzahl der Benutzer steigt, wird auch der Tokenpreis steigen. Um Token zu verteilen, wird ZeroState 100.000.000 ZSC veröffentlichen, indem es einen intelligenten Vertrag über Ethereum abschließt. Der intelligente Vertrag tauscht ZSC automatisch zum Kurs zum Zeitpunkt des Starts an die ETH aus.


  • 2016

  • Initial fund raising.
    Launching ZeroState app development, team building.
    First prototype and testing.
  • 2018 july

  • Marketing effort to attract 1 million users.
    Entering U.S. and European markets.
    Development of the ZeroState blockchain system to tokenize feelings and emotions begins.
  • 2017

  • Releasing the app on the App Store and Google Play.
  • 2018 december

  • 4 million users.
    Launching an E-Commerce solution.
    Development of a browser extension begins.
    Development of Knowledgebase for the Internet of Things (IoT) begins.
    ZSC enters cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • Weiterlesen
  • ZSC enters cryptocurrency exchanges.

  • ZSC enters cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • November, 2017

  • 30,000 active users. First advertisers on the platform. Launching a test pay-for-review system in fiat currency.
  • 2019-2020

  • Entering the local markets of India and China.
    Entering the markets of Africa and Latin America.
    Localization and scaling in the countries of presence.
  • March, 2018

  • Presale.
  • July, 2018

  • Marketing effort to attract 1 million users.
    Entering U.S. and European markets.
    Development of the ZeroState blockchain system to tokenize feelings and emotions begins.
  • December, 2018

  • 4 million users.
    Launching an E-Commerce solution.
    Development of a browser extension begins.
    Development of Knowledgebase for the Internet of Things (IoT) begins.
    ZSC enters cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • 2019

  • Entering the local markets of India and China.
  • 2020

  • Entering the markets of Africa and Latin America.
    Localization and scaling in the countries of presence.

ZEROSTATE Mannschaft

Verifiziert 13%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind


$2 205 833

Alexey Aslezov
CEO, Co-Founder


$2 205 833

Evgeniy Sosnin
Pavel Petrov
CVO, Co-Founder


$2 205 833

Aleksandr Mikhailov
Serge Shilnov
Blockchain & ICO Mentor
Sasha Karachinsky


$2 205 833

Alex Shiganov
Team Lead


$2 205 833

Galina Muravyeva
iOS developer


Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

12 ICOs

$69 228 134

Igor Karavaev

20 ICOs

$70 009 639

Nathan Christian


Maxim Varganov
Community Manager
Alexey Ganin
Senior Backend Developer

ZEROSTATE Interviews

Pavel Petrov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
It's just a new SensoPedia! And "soulful" mining for our users.

ZEROSTATE Letzte Nachrichten

5.0 1
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft

% name% Bewertungen

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

ZEROSTATE is an emotional intelligence powered by block chain hence providing effective solution for the customers loyalty management through the emotional involvement.


  • The platform allows the users to freely participate on its promotion through free sign ups  enabling them to look for information and participate in advertising campaigns
  • The users are able to get rewards from their reviews in ZSC coins which they can sell to the advertiser on a secondary market or withdraw it from the system
  • The platform has a readily available mobile application where they are able to easily make reviews of the product in one word and contains signs of feelings, emotion and evaluations
  • The platform is used for advertising campaigns  through the use of ZSC token enabling the users to increase visibility of the products on the platform
  • The platform ensures that the users reviews are fully secure as they are recorded in block chain  and cannot be falsified  hence attracting highly skilled professional
  • The users can easily find the people of their kind and link minded depending on their lifestyle through the platform by typing the term that describes their lifestyle within the platform


  • Fewer team involved m ore so the advisors
  • The platform white paper is only recommended in Russian language hence some meanings can be easily lost as it lacks international translators
  • The use of the ZSC token with other crypto currencies and fiat is not specified


  • Include more advisors
  • The ZSC token should be made exchangeable with fiat and other currencies

Differentiation: Differentiation of the ZeroState platform from other similar ones is that its advertising ecosystem is driven by emotional intelligence.

Market Penetration Potential: Penetrating the advertising and social media market can be very difficult, even with the excitement around cryptocurrency. It is a great challenge to get users to stop using legacy platforms and to switch to new social advertising platforms.

Solution Advantage: The platform intends to create its solution advantage by providing emotional feedback data on various digital advertisements deployed by advertisers.

Long-Term Vision: The long term goals of the project are to develop an ecosystem of users that continues to grow in adoption and platform participation.


The ZeroState is developing with the aim of connecting advertisers and users. With this platform, advertisers can upload their product advertisement on the app and get user reviews and feedback on it. This will help them to understand their customer feeling regarding products as well as also improve their product visibility and traffic rate. On the other, users who are sharing their reviews on any product will receive rewards for it. The platform will work well for monetizing a rating, create a user and customer database as well as collect emotional and sensual review on product and services which is beneficial for the advertisers.

The company is running its Pre-sale in which you can participate in the development of this project and reap good benefits from it in the future. Apart from it you also have an option to invest in its main ICO token sale which will be coming soon with great bonus offers. If you are new to crypto market and want to know how to invest in ICOs. It is always good to read to ICO planning guide or check ICO ratings, if you are really seeking for best ICOs to invest and want to enjoy profits in the future.

News, reviews

Strengths: the app was released in 2017 (iOS and Android). The WP offers financial projections, based on three scenarios of fundraising outcome. 5M tokens with 50% bonus were sold out during a pre-sale in March 2018, $2M were raised (target was reached). One of the advisors - Nathan Christian - is well-known blockchain evangelist, he is a Top 5 ranked member of the “People In Blockchain”.

Weaknesses: the success of ICO and blockchain developments will greatly depend on promotion, therefore detailed marketing plan should be in the WP according to analysts from expert-coin rating. More advisors needed.

News, reviews

The company has a lot going on in it. Zerostate also has a massive team that is from every facet of the industry. You can go to right now and read the whitepaper, get involved, buy tokens, or simply invest. This is one of the newest ICOs on the market, and as of now – seams to be one of the only ones that give full disclosure on the team behind the scenes.

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