Zelos (ZEO)

Zelos (ZEO)

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We believe that innovation is imperative in order for cryptocurrencies to gain mass acceptance. We believe that future mining operations need to be decentralized to reduce their dependency on regulations from single governments, powerful individuals, and fossil or nuclear energy. And this is where Zelos Mining has a central role to play in developing mining products suitable for the masses and in building a decentralized infrastructure for mining pools.
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
50% in public sale
5% bounty
15% reserve for constant lending payouts
30% company
Akzeptierte Währungen
Registrierter Firmenname
yieldly Ldt.
Eingetragenes Land
United Kingdom
Firma gegründet
Mar 4, 2019
No Bonus. All tokens are fixed in pricing.
Weitere Details
MVP / Prototyp
Ethereum ERC20

Über Zelos (ZEO)

It is a goal of yieldly to stay ahead of the competition and develop new potential ways of mining, increase efficiency and detect pockets of low-cost energy worldwide; to explore the possibility of using MMUs as an energy sink at places and in times where renewable energies produce overcapacities; to integrate the MMU system into smart grids; and finally to transform the purely mining-oriented MMU technology into a data- center technology with much broader applications in a developing blockchain market. To achieve these strategic goals, yieldly has started a research and development (R&D) cooperation with the renowned German Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems


Finished product - Mobile Mining Units b2b Mining-Hardware.

Several exchange listings in December 2020.

Lending-program by March 2021 with 0,7% monthly or 8,4% anually.

Android / iOS launch by March 2021

Technische Information

In an MMU setup with a combination of 50% ASIC- and 50% GPU miners, the total ROI of yieldly’s proprietary mining operations is 181% (calculated on Jun. 24th 2020). A detailed overview of the underlying assumptions as well as profit and cost drivers on can be found in the appendix.

While Proprietary Operations are highly profitable in itself, they also serve as a proof of concept that should help turn utilities (e.g. power plant operators) into clients. At  this point, we are currently already engaged in discussions with planners & operators  of power plants that have approached yieldly already.

Zelos (ZEO) Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Christoph-René Fisch...

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