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YFX is a decentralized perpetual trading platform. All the assets are hold by smart contract. Our smart contract been audited by professional institutions. You have full control of the fund trade in our smart contract.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • Gate.io
    YFX/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0315
    $ 13.343 K
  • Poloniex
    YFX/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0316
    $ 2.50
  • Poloniex
    YFX/BTC vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0385
    $ 2.73
  • MEXC
    YFX/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0637
    $ 274.493 K
  • BitZ
    YFX/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1401
    $ 574.66
  • BigONE
    YFX/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1158
    $ 113.46
  • CoinBene
    YFX/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1626
    $ 20.671 K
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über YFX

YFX is a decentralized perpetual exchange with up to 100x leverage, high liquidity, low fees, and no transaction slippage.

YFX adopts the PvPool (PvP) trading mechanism, allowing traders and liquidity pools to trade directly. Liquidity providers can add or remove liquidity for linear, inverse, and quanto contracts to or from single-asset pools with no impermanent loss. Liquidity providers can earn transaction fees and profit from selling LP tokens at a higher price.

V3 mainly uses Chainlink price feeds, supplemented by the latest price on major centralized exchanges.

Leading Protocol Design
YFX adopts the PvPool (PvP) trading mechanism, allowing traders and liquidity pools to trade directly. Liquidity providers can add or remove liquidity for linear, inverse, and quanto contracts to or from single-asset pools with no impermanent loss.

High-quality Price Feeds
V3 mainly uses Chainlink price feeds, supplemented by the latest price on major centralized exchanges. The high-quality price feeds ensure all transactions are carried out at real-time market prices.

High Transparency
All of YFX's smart contracts have been audited and published on GitHub. You can view and verify all your transactions on the blockchain explorer.


YFX Token: The platform's utility and governance token. Users can stake YFX to earn 30% of the platform's transaction fees.

IYFX Token (Immaturate YFX): Users can stake IYFX to earn rewards similar to regular YFX tokens, and users can vest IYFX to become actual YFX tokens over a period of one year. Note that users cannot transfer or trade their IYFX tokens.

YFX Roadmap

  • 2020

  • June - The project was founded to develop a decentralized perpetual contract trading platform.
    GitHub: https://github.com/yfxcom/yfx-contract-v1-core
  • 2021

  • January - V1 was launched and deployed on Tron
    April - V1 was deployed on Heco and BSC
    May - V1 was deployed on Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai Chain)
  • 2022

  • Developed more functions such as funding fees, limit orders, stop-loss & take-profit orders, net position, etc., in V2
    GitHub: https://github.com/yfxcom/yfx-v2-core
    June - V2 Certik Audit was complete
    July - V2 was launched and deployed on Heco
  • 2023

  • April - V2 was deployed on zkSync
    May - The system was upgraded, and V3 was launched on the Aritrum Goerli test network for public testing. YFX Cross-chain Bridge was launched.
    June - V3 Certik Audit will be complete. YFX will be launched and deployed on Arbitrum
    August - Deployed on Arbitrum. https://app.yfx.com/

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