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yfChain is a Decentralized Open-Source Platform for future DeFi projects.
Our goal is to build an Open-Source Blockchain
for DeFi Projects to develop their projects on
100% abgeschlossen
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Über yfChain

Our goal is to be listed in most of the exchanges including Uniswap, Kucoin, Huobi, Okex and Binance. As that many traders use different exchanges, achieving that is a biggest goal in our Market future as we work to get yfChain to most of people around the world so that they know our Solutions for the DeFi ecosystem.
That’s just one of many goals that we want to achieve, including a high token price before the end of the year 2020 and around November, we want to get the price of YFC to at least 200$ so that it can battle against the biggest coins in the market with our vision.
We have a real project with real use, this can take us to the highest coins in the market, giving us a big help in our roadmap.
We’ll be listed in at least 3 big known exchanges after the end of ICO, as we’re in contact with them.

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