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Yesports is the world’s largest web3 esports and gaming engagement platform. Powering the convergence of esports fans, gamers and web3 with a specialised gaming marketplace, bespoke fan memberships and a series of gamer focused products. Yesports is the gateway for gaming & esports into web3.
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Über Yesports

The single biggest venue for esport fan engagement. Changing the game with ‍Yesports. Enter Web 3.0 with our white glove esports strategy and go to market services. We make it easy for teams to utilize the benefits of Web 3.0 to engage with their fans from anywhere in the world – in new and exciting ways. 

Trade your teams’ NFTs on the largest esports centric NFT marketplace in the world. Built on an easy-to-use blockchain — Polygon Network, we make it easy to adopt web 3.0. With Yesports each team will get their own NFT storefront for their fans. Interact with your favorite fans in the physical and digital world with utility-first NFT Access Cards.

NFT packs,rare one of a kind collectibles — we help teams strategize and deliver NFTs that unlock utility exclusive to each team such as major esports events, signed merch, player meet and greets, gaming sessions and more. Trade your teams’ NFTs on the largest esports centric NFT marketplace in the world.

Built on an easy-to-use blockchain — Polygon Network, we make it easy to adopt web 3.0. With Yesports each team will get their own NFT storefront for their fans. 

Yesports is powered by the YESP token. YESP holders receive a host of benefits including; access to platform NFT marketplace discounts, rare NFT drops, staking and rewards, and voting and governance rights.

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