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XT.COM is a trading platform with a wide selection of cryptocurrencies, a significant range of transactions and trading categories like OTC/Spot/Margin/Futures/Derivatives, as well as efficient and professional crypto investment services. As the world’s first social-infused digital assets trading platform, XT.COM also supports social networking platform based transactions to make their crypto services more accessible to users all over the world. Covering a rich variety of trading categories together with a NFT aggregated marketplace, the platform strives to cater to its large user base by providing a secure, trusted and intuitive trading experience.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • LBank
    XT/USDT % count% months ago
    $ 2.28
    $ 136.479 K
  • XT.COM
    XT/BUSD vor einem Jahr
    $ 1.97
    $ 729.964 K
  • XT.COM
    XT/BTC vor einem Jahr
    $ 1.97
    $ 316.827 K
  • XT.COM
    XT/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 1.97
    $ 4.063 M
  • XT.COM
    XT/SXC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 10.18
    $ 2.409 M
  • XT.COM
    XT/SXC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.9461
    $ 40.233 K
To be announced
Weitere Details
Plattform, Austausch


XT.COM is a global blockchain ecosystem and cryptocurrency exchange, and we have a very clear purpose: to serve people around the world by providing access to new financial and other opportunities backed by blockchain technology. We believe that by leading the innovation of web3 technology, we will shape the future of financial services industry and improve businesses across all sectors, while making a positive difference for all.

XT.COM Exchange was established in 2018 and registered in Seychelles. Its operating headquarters is located in Dubai. It has operation centers in Singapore, Seoul and other countries and regions, and its business covers the world.

Working at XT.COM is more than a job. Our global team and partners work collaboratively everyday towards achieving our purpose: by building, designing, advising, investing, partnering, and supporting some of the most exciting projects from around the world.

Our international team of disruptors, change-makers, entrepreneurs, creatives, and market movers are not just expected to change things for the better, but to attempt to create things never thought possible. We understand that creating this change isn’t easy and the solution can come from anyone, anywhere. So even if you think you’re not qualified for this position, please reach out!

The platform owns the global top-level domain www.xt.com, and currently has more than 3 million registered users, more than 300,000 monthly active users, and more than 30 million users in the ecosystem.

XT.COM is a comprehensive trading platform that supports 500+ high-quality currencies and 800 trading pairs. It has a rich variety of transactions such as currency transactions, leveraged transactions, OTC transactions, contract transactions, and credit card purchases. Provide users with the safest, most efficient and professional digital asset investment services.


Decentralized network
An open and decentralized network to maintain the security of the network and assets.

EVM support
Support EVM programmability and smart contract compatibility to reduce development or migration costs.

Meta trading function
Meta trading function: fee reduction, effectively reducing the cost of developers and user on the chain.

Cross-chain Assets Transfer
Support cross-chain asset transfer and optimize user experience.

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