

Created using Figma
Adaptive Social Media System
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  • BitMart
    0X8E57C27761EBBD381B0F9D09BB92CEB51A358ABB/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 1.898E-5
    $ 12.52
  • ProBit Global
    0X8E57C27761EBBD381B0F9D09BB92CEB51A358ABB/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0001
    $ 82.44
  • ProBit Global
    0X8E57C27761EBBD381B0F9D09BB92CEB51A358ABB/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0001
    $ 113.51
  • BitMart
    0X8E57C27761EBBD381B0F9D09BB92CEB51A358ABB/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0002
    $ 8.425 K
  • BiKi
    0X8E57C27761EBBD381B0F9D09BB92CEB51A358ABB/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0012
    $ 105.075 K
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    0X8E57C27761EBBD381B0F9D09BB92CEB51A358ABB/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0011
    $ 1.325 K
  • FinexBox
    0X8E57C27761EBBD381B0F9D09BB92CEB51A358ABB/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0004
    $ 1.53 K
  • Altilly
    0X8E57C27761EBBD381B0F9D09BB92CEB51A358ABB/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0001
    $ 4.35
  • Altilly
    0X8E57C27761EBBD381B0F9D09BB92CEB51A358ABB/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 3.139E-5
    $ 7.58
  • Altilly
    0X8E57C27761EBBD381B0F9D09BB92CEB51A358ABB/XQR % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0001
    $ 377.53
  • FinexBox
    0X8E57C27761EBBD381B0F9D09BB92CEB51A358ABB/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
  • Uniswap (v3)
    0X8E57C27761EBBD381B0F9D09BB92CEB51A358ABB/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0006
    $ 105.21
To be announced
Weitere Details
Plattform, Medien

Über xHumanity

A better way of living

As societies and human networks are growing, people are increasingly turning to digital networks for direct and far more functional ways of finding and disseminating information. Inevitably, online social networks are becoming larger and more complex as well. In such networks, trust in the medium and the dissemination of information and content must inevitably rely more and more on technologically-assisted means.

Blockchain technology has much to contribute to the evolution of the Next Generation Internet and towards achieving high levels of Distributed Trust seamlessly and unobtrusively, by explicitly increasing trustworthiness of the content shared
through future media. Trust is essential to societies and blockchain has the potential to shift the focus from trust in people and institutions to trust in the technology
being used.

As a social platform, xHumanity seeks to set up communities which are not based on individualism. These groups can then define their own limits and areas of operation
and development as much as they want without being conditioned, not even by age.

Each user’s reactions and relationships are measured and translated into quantifiable social reputation. Our system also comes up with an ingenious solution which aims to quantify the problems and divergences between the participants and turn them into reputation, drawing on negotiations and reconciliation between participants.

Users – or rather people within the system will be rewarded for their social behavior with xDNA, the future currency of human relations, the bearer of trust and creativity
of the people using the platform. All actions, reactions and relationships will make up the digital social fingerprint of each user. Trust between people is crucial, as it provides the basis for the development of social relations.


Reputation will be calculated for each member of the community and will be based on his actions within the xHumanity system (e.g. a post or vote) but also on other members' reactions to those action.


In this system, sensibility will be the users’ focus on own emotions triggered by an experience in the system. People can’t express themselves without sensitivity and can’t grow their sensitivity without experiences.


Trust is manifests both at a personal level and at the system level. Trust in a system emerges when everything seems to be in a coherent order. It is essential for the functioning of “symbolic media exchange”, example being money and governance.

Human Values

Among many different cultures there are some important human values which are also promoted implicitly or explicitly within the xHumanity system are: responsibility, humility, altruism, tolerance, sincerity.


The xHumanity system aims to preserve equity in order to express objectively and transparently the reputation of each member, thus helping people who are guided by common interests to establish connections between them.


People need to be vigilant of negative feedback from other users and capable of reconciliation, so they can gain positive results from the system. Our system differs from others by rewarding reconciliation and adding its coefficient to the reputation received.

xHumanity Roadmap

  • Q4 2019 Inception of the project Fundamental concepts & core team development

  • Q1 2020 Clear problem statement Analysis and general design, the basis of our reputation system.

  • Q2 2020 Project build and details Functional design, Find the fake concept, Whitepaper guidelines, start of website development

  • Q3 2020 Pre Listing Holochain development, Whitepaper publication, extended team development

  • Weiterlesen
  • Q4 2020 Project start Archetype design, development of infrastructure, community build

  • Q1 2021 First prototypes Test Wallet, UBI (Universal Basic Income) and other services

  • Q2 2021 dApp Basic dApp, standard reputation computations & mobile app developments

  • Q3 2021 Reputation Full reputation and reward system build

  • Q4 2021 Alpha Phase Nodes interoperability, network simulations, testnet scaling

  • Q1 2022 Beta 1 Phase Mainnet & beta tests, tests for additional functions, categories – tags, proposals

  • Q2 2022 Beta 2 Phase Extended social media functions: experiences, relationships, communities

  • Q3 2022 Functionality Add-ons Blog, forum – topics – threds, Q&As, chat, groups

  • Q4 2022 OFFICIAL LAUNCH Adding all media formats combined into platform

xHumanity Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Gheorghe Biculescu
Founder & Senior Engineer
Teodor Lupoae
CTO & Senior Engineer
Victor Arsenie
UI/UX & Senior Engineer
Mircea Renea
Senior Engineer
Geanina Apostol
Iulian Lungu
Senior Software Engineer
Paula Ivanov
Marketing & PR
Gheorghe Calcan
Senior Engineer
Cosmin Vranceanu
Angel Investor
Siddharth Panigrahi
Holochain developer
Muhammad Zeeshan
Holochain Developer


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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Anders Johnsson
Phd. Vasile Palade
Phd. Daniel Neagu

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